And last but certainly not least....the Critters! Babies, and the big ones. I don't think I'll ever get over my horse habit. It's every bit as bad as the fabric habit!
These are of Nugget and her I still have, the other was a Christmas gift to my Dad. That particular colt now lives in Arizona, on one of the few working cattle ranches left in the country. This one is my pride and joy...and the one I kept!
how can you resist this face???
This is Booger...and aptly named! His registered name is "Dad's Christmas Dude"...but Booger fits! This is how he started out...
he was just almost a
yearling in the second. Trouble with a capital T! It hasn't ever
gotten any better!
The next are Snooper and her babies.
This is
"Little Girl" who also lives in AZ with Dad.
this is
"Bug" whom I still have. Do you think that mare wants
to throw babies that look alike? There is still another, the
first of this mares foals that is and was almost a perfect mirror
of these two.
The old man of the herd. He was my first "real" horse and most likely my last. Everyone ought to have the pleasure of having one good one in a lifetime. He is 26 this year.