About Daniel
- your host !
So who am I ? I'm a 3½ year old boy. My names are Daniel Kielstrup Timbiti (after my late grandfather- Henry Daniel Timbiti). I was born on August 04th 1995. Like so many kids of my age I am very lively and smile a lot. I like people and I am very friendly..
I love Ice-cream, chewing gum..!!,..and ..and I mean if something tastes really nice and sweet then ..hmmm.. I will want to have a go at it.
I live on Christianshavn Island, overlooking the Målmø terminal for boats travelling to Sweden. We are surrounded by water and it is very beautiful.
I go to School..oh sorry.., to Kindergarten in Anna Wulffs Børnehave, a few hundred meters from where we live.
I live with my mother Katja and two brothers Jakob and Jonas.Click on their names to read something about them.
My father David lives across town in another part of Copenhagen. I visit him often.
Learn a bit about my two countries here!!

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Updated on. 26-4-99