This is me ! Click for full size |
Please sit down, relax and make yourself at home while I take you on a Surfin' Safari through my CyberJungle.
I hope you'll have as much fun fighting your way through my Jungle as I did makin' it all 'come alive'. Finding your way on your own in the Jungle isn't always easy.. if you get lost or experience any kind of problems in my Jungle, don't despair.. I'll be there ! In case of an emergency, I'm nothin' more than an e-mail away - you can reach me at:
Click Me!
To those of you who don't already know me, let me just say 'nice to make your acquaintance'. And should you, after reading this, be curious to get to know more about me, you may do so here...
Regulars will notice that my homepage has changed considerably because I have grown a little older - I guess. I'm already starting to feel right at home - already! I know my Jungle isn't much (yet), but at least it has kept me from being bored on numerous Sunday afternoons. As you can see I'm no 'wizz' at this computer-geek-stuff, so please bare with me before judging my pages.
Got any good ideas to what you think I could or should do differently in my Jungle? Or just have something else to say? Meet others and read what they have to say...?
Click on little Simba to VOTE for my homepage!
When you're done struggling your way through my Jungle, please remember to 'carve your initials on my tree' before leaving. That means .. sign my JungleBook !


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who made it to my Jungle (hopefully you got out alive) since March 19th 1999.

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My Jungle was:
Originally created on August. 4th, 1998
Created using 

Copyright © Timbiti Design ®
Last Updated on. 07-6-99