Lori - 10/22/00 01:03:59 My Email:Butterfly0287@aol.com How did you find this site?: a search engine Are you a Dane Owner?: I WISH!!!!! | Comments: i have always wanted a Great Dane and will get one when i am older....untill then...GREAT SITE!!! |
JoJo - 08/29/00 22:02:17 My Email:jipsyjo@aol.com How did you find this site?: your mommy told me Are you a Dane Owner?: no and my cat Julio hates dogs dogs | Comments: Julio and I really miss Ajijic and our street, Independencia, and watching Otto go through his paces on the soccer field. I am coming back to visit, Julio can't co |
Dona & Joey Thomas - 08/22/00 11:48:31 My Email:wersolm8ts@aol.com How did you find this site?: Great Dane search Are you a Dane Owner?: YES! | Comments: Your site is by FAR the best my husband and I have found and we've searched them for weeks! We got such a kick out of your sites and stories. We are FIRST time Great Dane owners, in fact, so new that we don't even have our puppy yet! She was born on Ju y 1st, 2000 and she will be coming home with us on August 27th, 2000. The breeder is an hour and a half from our home, but we drive out each week to visit with our little girl and this next visit, well, it won't be a visit, but we FINALLY will be able to bring her home, she'll be eight weeks old that day. I've got about 300 pictures we've taken already, just wish we had the talent and "know how" to create a web page about her, she's a beauty! Her name is Liberty's Princess Xerxes, but we call her Xerxes for short. That is pronounced Zersees. She is a mantle marked merle! Thanks again, for a GREAT "Dane" sight, it's the best! Dona & Joey Thomas St. Peters, Missouri |
Carey - 07/21/00 20:31:02 My Email:imcareypie@uia.net How did you find this site?: Looking at places to live in Mexico. Are you a Dane Owner?: No, but an animal trainer and dog lover. | Comments: |
Thereasa - 06/16/00 02:42:07 My Email:atgreen@gte.net Are you a Dane Owner?: YES | Comments: |
- 06/14/00 20:55:11 | Comments: |
Christina Barokas - 05/26/00 23:34:07 My Email:yes@mortgagedollars.com How did you find this site?: Just searching for a Great Dane myself Are you a Dane Owner?: No | Comments: Otto is beautiful. I'm actually looking to find one just like him. I live in Washington state, so if you have any info on where I can find a Great Dane please let me know. Thank you. |
Winnie - 05/26/00 05:28:54 My URL:/harledane/home.html How did you find this site?: Yahoo Great Dane Club Are you a Dane Owner?: Yes! | Comments: Greetings from Canada! Very handsome Dane! |
Lisa - 04/30/00 23:04:50 My Email:puppygrl725@aol.com How did you find this site?: Through a Great Dane search Are you a Dane Owner?: no | Comments: This site is AWESOME!!!!!!! i wish for a Great Dane to own but i cant cause my moms allergic. i wish. This site tells me a lot about the breed i love. Thanks for making this site!!! ~Lisa |
kielinski - 04/20/00 00:43:35 My Email:christophe.kielinski@libertysurf.fr | Comments: no speck english your xite is very good pour ceux qui parle français ce site et bien i m posed 1 gd black and withe my blue is dead r.i.p kiss for france |
Maureen - 04/16/00 17:01:56 My Email:grandmamg@webtv.net How did you find this site?: You told me Are you a Dane Owner?: No way Jose | Comments: How are the St. Patrick Day babies? What do you do with 10 puppies running around? Any pictures of Jaime amongst the litter? If so, send them along. Would love to see the new family!!!!! |
Mirka - 03/24/00 16:23:02 My URL:http://www.free.polbox.pl/d/dogniem My Email:m.kostek@igichp.edu.pl | Comments: Very nice site. Welcome to Poland Great Dane www.free.polbox.pl/d/dogniem |
aunt christine - 03/01/00 03:56:18 My Email:stineyg@yahoo.com or smpd@frontiernet.net Are you a Dane Owner?: no | Comments: are you behaving with the new addition to the family? |
paul/carol amaru - 02/26/00 13:40:59 My Email:paula360@idt.net How did you find this site?: from Jaime's page Are you a Dane Owner?: are you crazy? | Comments: love your sites! hope all is well |
shay assor - 02/21/00 22:19:50 Are you a Dane Owner?: yes | Comments: otto' you are beautyful' you should meet my black dane named:tyra |
Maura Haberman - 02/13/00 23:16:00 My Email:nouglydog@aol.com How did you find this site?: Your my brother!! Are you a Dane Owner?: no, child owner | Comments: HI JOE AND LAURISSA, CONGRADULATIONS ON the birth of Jamie. Loved the picture of him from the hospital. I hope that your all doing well. I will email when I get a moment. Good Luck. Love Maura I love your websites... |
Kyrsta - 02/04/00 13:42:26 Are you a Dane Owner?: no | Comments: |
Tammy Pocock - 02/04/00 11:26:25 Are you a Dane Owner?: Yes | Comments: |
Denise - 01/06/00 22:21:30 My Email:denise_eo@hotmail.com How did you find this site?: From dogbreedinfo.com Are you a Dane Owner?: Yes | Comments: I really like your site. Otto seems to be growing up to be a handsome Dane. I have a 4 month old Dane named Trevor. He loves to run and play, and take a bath. |
allye - 01/03/00 04:09:56 How did you find this site?: friend Are you a Dane Owner?: yes | Comments: love it....need to put his sister dane's pic on it too.....great, great job |
William Byrd - 01/03/00 03:39:50 My URL:http:/www.bardstown.com My Email:byrd8551@excite.com How did you find this site?: surfing the web Are you a Dane Owner?: no but looking 4 one. | Comments: You have a beautiful dane i want one the same color as yours but dont know where to find puppys can you help me? Please reply W.Byrd |
Linda - 01/02/00 00:39:30 My Email:lindams@laguna.com.mx How did you find this site?: Laurissa told me Are you a Dane Owner?: NO | Comments: I have my own little, compared to yours, doggies named Chula (a Mexican "mixed") and Blanca (a white-what else?-poodle. I love your site, enjoyed seeing Otto and Koko, as I knew them when!!! |
Scot - 01/01/00 19:51:57 My URL:http://www.gdr.com/rokadane My Email:rokadane@greatdane.com How did you find this site?: Friend Are you a Dane Owner?: Yes | Comments: The site is looking good. |
Kelley Shay - 10/01/99 05:00:10 My Email:kelleyshay@webtv.net How did you find this site?: Christine told me Are you a Dane Owner?: No, I am just Otto and jocko's aunt! | Comments: I love to come see how Otto is doing, and I am just wondering when you are going to put up a picture of Otto with his new brother Jocko. |
Gabi aka La_dane1 - 08/26/99 20:27:57 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak3/GreatDane My Email:guyngabi@jesup.net How did you find this site?: in Yahoo Club Are you a Dane Owner?: I sure am !!!!!!!! | Comments: Love your pics so cute...wants to make me wanna have a puppy too. Both mine I got as adults, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. I am involved in the rescue of those beautiful giants and both mine are rescue Danes. I would never buy me one because the e are to many out there needing a home, and if it has to be a puppy well the rescue has them too. Would love for you to visit my site too. You did a great Job building your site I will be back to look for new things. |
alyee - 08/23/99 06:49:39 How did you find this site?: surfed on in Are you a Dane Owner?: yes | Comments: get those 6 month pictures up!~!!!!!! Otto is cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Angela - 07/22/99 20:42:00 My Email:fox4fox@aol.com How did you find this site?: you e-mailed me Are you a Dane Owner?: yes | Comments: I have a black female named Xena. I received her as a b-day present from my husband. She was 8 weeks old. She got parvo at 10 weeks and barely survived. She just turned 3 on 7/12/99. She is small, 32" at shoulder and only 110 lbs. but she is beautiful ! Her ears are cropped and she is a big baby. She likes to sleep on my waterbed under the covers. She eats food off of my counter to punish me if I leave her for long periods of time. Otto is gorgeous. My husband hopes to own a male fawn sometime in he near future. |
Heidi Pritchard - 07/22/99 20:28:14 My Email:sabre13_@hotmail.com Are you a Dane Owner?: sure am!!! | Comments: One of my best friends is my fawn great dane, Sabre. My husband and I adopted him last September after finding him starved ,40lbs. under normal weight. He will be two in September and is currently up to 152lbs. He is our joy!!! |
Christine - 07/19/99 02:02:02 | Comments: I really loved all of the growing up pictures they were adorable! |
- 07/18/99 11:34:05 My Email:frankeyg@aol.com How did you find this site?: was e-mailed to me Are you a Dane Owner?: yes | Comments: i have a dane pup who is now 10 weeks old (7-17-99). the pics are very interesting and i will check back often to see what i have to look forward to. thanks for sharing your photos, they're very awesome. keep them coming. |
Sandy - 07/14/99 02:33:22 My Email:GSD k9 3@aol.com How did you find this site?: GSD BB Are you a Dane Owner?: 1 dane pup and a GSD | Comments: Otto and koko are do Cute!! great page! |
Gordon Burney - 07/10/99 23:51:52 My Email:DBurney449@aol.com How did you find this site?: Suggested by a viewer Are you a Dane Owner?: Yes | Comments: We didn't get our Dane until she was 8 months old. We got her at the Humane Society. Your website makes me wish we had experienced puppyhood with her. She is 2 year old blue merle named Pebbles. We really enjoy her. My husband is 80 and she goes everyw ere with him. |
Gloria Bearss - 07/05/99 17:47:54 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~glen-glo My Email:gbearss@pacbell.net How did you find this site?: You signed my guestbook Are you a Dane Owner?: Of Course | Comments: Nice site, keep up the good work. When you have time, come on by for a visit. If you like fantasy, visit "Dragon Isle" and collect your award at journeys end!
Kristi - 07/04/99 09:48:37 My URL:http://www.cybrtyme.com/personal/toyou My Email:toyou@cybrtyme.com How did you find this site?: Your entry in my guest book Are you a Dane Owner?: Absolutely!! | Comments: Hi Joe, Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for viewing my Dane page and signing my guest book! I have seen Otto's page once before.. what a beauty!! I love all the pictures of Otto.. don't those little puppy pictures bring back memories!! Hard to believe they ever were that size! Later, Kristi *Alabama* |
Billfred - 06/28/99 19:30:29 My Email:nicola.holt@breathemail.net How did you find this site?: Surfed on in! Are you a Dane Owner?: I wish! | Comments: I love danes especially your ear cropping is good and people who think its cruel are sad, does it cost? please e0mail me! |
Laurissa - 06/28/99 06:02:41 My URL:http://www.go2mex.com/home/us/laurissa/index.htm My Email:ldoonan@aol.com How did you find this site?: a friend told me about it Are you a Dane Owner?: Yes | Comments: Otto is adorable! He must have great parents! Spoil him rotten, and let him play with the cats! By the way, you are an amazing photographer and web developer! |
Kalindi - 06/24/99 16:41:19 Are you a Dane Owner?: No,not yet | Comments: Your web site is great! I'm hoping to get a Great Dane puppy soon. Otto is so cute. I'm hoping to get a Brindle puppy. GREAT WEB PAGE, Kalindi |
Susie - 06/24/99 00:55:27 How did you find this site?: amazing Are you a Dane Owner?: Nope | Comments: enjoyed your page ... keep up the good work |
Susy-Q Pet Lover - 06/21/99 23:55:38 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Farm/7837 My Email:Kmsd4@aol.com How did you find this site?: Guestbook Are you a Dane Owner?: No | Comments: Thanks for visiting us and signing our guestbook. Your Great Dane is sooo cute. I bet is grows up to big & strong. You have a great start on your website. Come back and visit us often. |
John in Mexico - 06/20/99 05:12:58 My Email:jro57@hotmail.com Are you a Dane Owner?: No | Comments: Nice site, and cool dog.... No pics of Otto swimming in the lake? Or hasn't he started his lessons yet?...lol.. |
Eric Carrillo - 06/15/99 01:50:32 My Email:bluboyXXX@hotmail.com How did you find this site?: yahoo clubs Are you a Dane Owner?: YES | Comments: Love your puppy. I have a 5month 2week old blue merle. He is my baby. |
Louise - 06/08/99 20:35:51 My URL:http://louisegraver.future.easyspace.com/ My Email:Oceandrift@hotmail.com How did you find this site?: You signed my book Are you a Dane Owner?: no I wish but have a little cutie mongrel! | Comments: Hi! Loved the site! Otto is absolutely adorable. I just love those little puppy pics and the playing section is great, I can relate to some of his tactics! Thanks |
Mary/Oskr - 06/05/99 07:03:29 My Email:DT2mel@aol.com How did you find this site?: Dane msg board Are you a Dane Owner?: Yes, Oskr | Comments: A very beautiful animal and I's pleased to share the love of this giant breed with you. My Olga died, 12 yrs old, about a month ago. And then Oskr came on the board, only 15 minutes from my house here in the Phoenix area. We are all very happy. Thank ou so much for sharing. Mary |
Barb - 06/02/99 11:37:43 My URL:/petsburgh/zoo/1843 My Email:bmercier@kersur.net How did you find this site?: through Pet Connection Club [ a memberalso] Are you a Dane Owner?: I was once a owner of a female. She was all black with wht. chest | Comments: Boy does your pup bring back memories. They grow fast and strong. Have fun!!!! Great site. Come and visit my LITTLE Dogs. don't bring Otto He'll scare mine. |
Barb - 06/02/99 11:37:01 My URL:http://geocities.com/petsburgh/zoo/1843 My Email:bmercier@kersur.net How did you find this site?: through Pet Connection Club [ a memberalso] Are you a Dane Owner?: I was once a owner of a female. She was all black with wht. chest | Comments: Boy does your pup bring back memories. They grow fast and strong. Have fun!!!! Great site. Come and visit my LITTLE Dogs. don't bring Otto He'll scare mine. |