Welcome to Otto's Place

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Hi, I'm Otto.
I'm a Great Dane. 
Welcome to my site.
(click above to hear his welcome!)

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Five Weeks Seven Weeks Nine Weeks

I was born February 7, 1999 in Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico.  My "parents" are from Nyack, New York, but they're living here now.  I know I don't look much like one in these pictures, but just wait, I'm getting there! 

My dog parents were huge (at least that's what the Breeder says, and she knows Danes, she has the Latin American Champion, Morgan, a Brindle!), so although I look tiny, and in these pictures I am, I'm expected to be about 160 lbs. when I'm full grown. (in about 2 years). 

This website will show you how much I grow, at what pace, and what I destroy in the process.  You'll also get a chance to learn a little bit about my personality.  Click on any of the pictures above, or throughout the site,  to get larger views.

Below are pictires of me and my sister, Koko.   (Now, I'm just a baby, but i THOUGHT Koko was spelled Cocoa, but then, they also have a dog named Rylee, so who knows WHERE they get their spelling ideas from!?!)   The "in laws" adopted her.  They live just across the courtyward, so we play and send eachother telepathic messages all the time!

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Five Weeks Seven Weeks Twelve Weeks
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This site was last updated on 1/16/01

Photos, text, & design are all copyrighted and belong to us.  Nothing may be duplicated for any use without our EXPRESS approval.  Thanks.