Our New HouseThis is the front of our new house. After moving 14 times in 15 years, we have finally bought our own home. I plan to live in it forever!!! We started moving in on May 19, 1999. What a lot of space after 15 years of townhouse living.

I love the little picket fence in the garden.

This is the back of the house. The extension is the family room with a wood burning fireplace. The trees are all maples and make beautiful shade. I am looking forward to fall to see what color they turn.

This is the deck. Little Rachel has turned into quite the ham.

And, finally, here is my vegetable garden. We have already bought tomato plants and seeds for some vegetables and herbs. I love the little picket fence.The house in the background is not ours, but a neighbor.

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I would like to thank Kytten for the background set used on this page.
Graphics © 1999 Mary Chezick
Do not use or remove without prior written permission