My Very Incomplete Book of Friends
Poems for People I Love
A friend is a
person that gives a part of their life to you even if you haven't earned it yet.
Fold two hands together and express a dash of sorrow.
Marinate it overnight and WORK on it tomorrow.
Chop one grudge in tiny pieces; add several cups of LOVE.
Dredge with a large sized MILE mix with the ingredients above.
Dissolve the hate within you, by DOING a good DEED,
Cut in and HELP your friend, if they should be in need.
Stir in laughter, love, and KINDNESS from the heart it has
to come,
Toss with genuine forgiveness and GIVE your neighbor some.
The amount of people served will depend on YOU; it can SERVE
the whole wide world, if you really want it to (author unknown) Thanks Angel!
New Friends
New friends are like
birthday presents
filled with treasures God has sent.
Can hardly wait to see
to know you better, things confide.
Divine relationships,
Divine appointments,
building a history, growing commitment.
Worship together,
learning to trust,
God's love makes it work but not without us.
