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The Willeford
Family Page
The music you are hearing is "Wind Beneath My Wings", originally sung by Bette Middler.  This song is a dedication to my parents, Don & Phyllis Penrod, they are the "Wind Beneath My Wings".  They taught me that love knows no boundries.  Thanks mom & dad, I love you both!
Last updated 9/27/99
Hello and welcome, to all our family and friends.  We hope you will enjoy your visit with the crazy Willeford family.  We have put together a few pictures, stories and other cute little things for your enjoyment. Please bear with us, for we are just learning the art of creating our own web page.
For those of you who do not know us, let me introduce my family and myself.  I'm Susie, the overworked, stressed out, stay at home mom :).  My husband Charlie and I have been married for 22 or uh...23 years, well anyway all our life!
We are a normal family, living in the midwest.  You know, the family next door....NOT!!!
You see, we had been married for years and had almost given up on the thought of having a family.  When.....HELLO!!!
Please people, I'm telling you the truth!  BE VERY CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU ASK GOD FOR......HE JUST MIGHT GIVE IT TO YOU!!!!!!!
Yep! God DOES answer prayers. To make a very long story short. Charlie and I are now the very proud parents of four children. Two sets of twins! (no drugs were used to achieve this) Rachel and Cody are now eight years, and Lucas and Aaron are five years old.
By now you've probably figured out, we are not a normal family.  Welcome, to what I call, "The Willeford Zoo".
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Please drop me a line and tell me what you think of my web page.  Comments, suggestions & questions are all welcome. Please tell me if you see something wrong, but please be nice!!!!
Feel free to use my graphics, just right click to copy.  Most of my graphics came from "The Print Shop Web Designer" which you can find by clicking on the link below.  Sheriberry Graphics provided some .   Please check out her site. Rexys is another site where I found graphics. If there are others, please accept my apologies & let me know so that I can give them credit.

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Created with The Print Shop Web Site Designer.