Emmett Raymond McDonald
Rank/Branch: O3/US Air Force

Unit: 61st Troop Carrier Squadron, DaNang Airbase

Date of Birth: 27 July 1939

Home City of Record: Bellevue, Washington

Date of Loss: 31 May 1966

Country of Loss: North Vietnam

Loss Coordinates: 194857N 1052924E (WG510910)

Status (in 1973): Missing In Action

Category: 2

Acft/Vehicle/Ground: C130E

Personnel In Incident: April 3, 1965: Herschel S. Morgan; Raymond A. Vohden (released POW's); George C. Smith (missing). April 4, 1965: Walter F. Draeger; James A. Magnusson (missing); Carlyle S. Harris (released POW); September 16, 1965: J. Robinson Risner (released POW); May 31, 1966: Bobbie J. Alberton; William R. Edmondson; Emmett R. McDonald; Armon Shingledecker; Phillip J. Stickney (missing from the C-130E); Thomas Case; Harold J. Zook; Elroy Harworth (remains returned from the C-130E). Dayton Ragland; Ned Herrold (missing on a F-4C).

Emmett Raymond McDonald and his fellow crew men were last seen when on a mission to destroy the the Ham Rong Bridge, the Dragon's Jaw. To read the full story of the Dragon's Jaw and about the men who gave everything on this mission, click here.
If you are family of Emmett McDonald or have any information that you would like to share, please email me. We would love to hear from you.
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