The Background Music is from the 1940's...and is one that my grandfather loved...."String of Pearls." I share below with you just a few of it's lyrics!
"they've seen birth, they've seen death
they've seen sons off to war
an endless chain of joy and pain
weaving through our family story
carry on, be the one to add a pearl
for every year
a pearl for marriage, a pearl for children,
a pearl for love, and a pearl for tears"

Was he cool....or WHAT?
Harry Edward Gibson enlisted in the service on March 17, 1939 at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. He was in the military police and served in New Guinea and the Philippines. He received two Bronze Stars, a Good Conduct Medal, and the American Defense Ribbon. He was a Sharpshooter according to his military records. He served a second tour in Australia from May 24, 1943 to July 20, 1945.

Instituted: 1944
Criteria: Heroic or meritorious achievement or
service not involving participation in aerial flight.
Harry & Annie
In love as they were for more than 50 years!
My grandmother, Annie, told me the story about the above picture. She said that in downtown Mobile, Alabama when all the service men would come home....photographers would stand in the streets and take people's pictures for a small fee! You won't see that in Mobile today....but I thought it was a neat tidbit of information to share!!

In the first picture, my grandfather stands to the far right with some Military Police friends. The men at war sent many many pictures back home to their loved ones. We are so very fortunate that my grandmother treasured these pictures so much and kept them in excellent shape. Pictured in the photo on the right is my grandfather behind a gun ....(I think!) Boy if that is a gun....things sure have changed!!

I would imagine that World War II was a trying time on the men and women who served, as well as their families and the Nation. It's great to see this picture of the guys preparing for a swim to take some of the heat off for the day!

Papaw Gibson always loved baseball as you will see in a future page in this site. It makes me feel peace to know that he was able to enjoy the game even while our Country was at war.

Above my grandfather is pictured (on the left) just outside the barricks...(tents)....with a friend! A good pose always for the love of his life waiting back home in the states!!

The above photos of my grandfather represent a man strong, courageous, and longing for his family back home on familiar soil. His tours were long and his travels far. I know little about this war except what I learned in History in school and college....and the few stories that my grandfather shared with me before he became ill. One thing I do know is how very proud he was of HIS girl! He carried her picture in his wallet until he took his last breath. He told me that he had never taken it out. Life was particularly difficult during those war years. My grandmother, Annie, worked as a civilian during the war at Brookley Field Air Force Base in Mobile, Alabama. She was an airplane mechanic. Somehow I never could comprehend this fragile lady working on big airplanes! So, below....I share her that Papaw cherished every day of his life!

Annie Josephine "Owen" Gibson
(Was she a beauty or what?)
And so it was that like all other wars before and after World War II this war finally ended. Loved one's were reunited. Some families lost those men who left to fight for our Country and never came home......and the Nation grieved with them. We were lucky.....Our man came home. Life settled down in the States and people got back to some normalcy. It is here that my Grandfather's story continues to the days of yester-year. He believed in his Country and his people. He chose a career...and not long after the war, he became one of Mobile's Finest...."a Policeman." I hope that you'll continue his journey with me by following me on to the next page........

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Special Acknowledgements go to the following:
Lisa Gibson Hardeman for her time and effort of scanning photos for several days and passing them on to me...almost 2000 miles away. Lisa is my aunt...but more like a sister, as she is one year younger than me! I love you Lisa for your tireless hours of gathering things for me! You did a terrific job!
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