Welcome to my little corner
of earth !!!
Philip's Place.
My name's Philip of course and I
hope you like this site my
Dad built for me .
What you will find here are some of my drawings, pics of me and
my family, some of friends. Links to some cool stuff .
Especailly those that helped Dad like, Angel, Monty Sloan
and Sabis. Dad is going to keep adding and expanding this place so it will
be a not just for me but him too . But this is my home now.
Have fun and enjoy . I know Dad's going to add more pages as
he gets them made maybe. Hehehe !!  If you want
to add a link ask dad and tell him what your sites about . Thanks to
everybody who helped the old guy create this site.
Please sign my guest book or send an E-mail to my Dad
He's not a bad guy once you get past the growl HEHEheheh!
A little of Philip's story
Pics of Philip being Philip
Pics of family and friends
To Philip's drawing's
Add your drawings
Add your poems
Again I hope you enjoy your visit .
OH ! ! !  I thought I should mention that the wolves are my guides and guardians here
and please remember to sign my
geust book  or send an E-mail to Dad !!!!
Have fun and enjoy !!
E-mail the old grouch HeHeHE! ! !
Quest Book
You are guest number since Novemder 3rd 1999
I sincerely hope all those that visit this site enjoy and remeber just
how impotant our childern are to us and our well being .
We as adults should past before a childern
so plaese take care of the pressish ones close too you !!
If Philip was a live he would be having doing this
page  and drawing where I used  pic's but as I'm no artist
I have used art items from the web or supplied by software manufactures .
Thank you to all those that helped .
You'll find links to all the sites I used and a few more on the Links Page.
I would appercaite you signing our guest book and sending any comments or suggestion to me by E-mail
Philip's Place
Canadian's and proud of it !!!!