Thanks for stopping by the photo gallery, take a look around.
[My friends, family, and I] [College!] [8th grade] [My Dog] [Horses] [SSHC Banquet] [MHS: Reservoir Farm] [Horse Camp!] [The Equine Affaire]

My friends, My sister, and I
The SHS Junior Prom - April 29, 2000
The SHS Senior Prom - May 31, 2001
The 2001 After Graduation Party (and morning after)
My Senior Picture!!
My sister and I -1986(I'm on the right)
Claudia and I -halloween (way back when)
Kelly & me (computer+disk drive), my sister -halloween
Claudia -in my room before we left for '98 "First Night" (New Year's) festivities
Andrea, Chance, Michelle -Pam's sister, dog, Andrea's friend from Carnagie Mellon University, winter break 1999
Andrea and Michelle -winter break 1999
Bekki, Nikki, Ridaa, and I - at my party June 12th, 1999
My old neighbor and my grandmother - at my party June 12th, 1999
Amy and I (with Chance) - collecting cans for "Halloween for the Hungry" Oct. 31st, 1999
My neighbors on Halloween - 1999, I babysit for them a lot.
Uncle Dominic and Papa with Chance - May 1999, nice picture :-)
Pam and Andrea - Christmas 1999
My parents and I
with my Prudential award (for volunteering)
Yanna, Jeff, Toni, Ridaa - June 14, 2000
Justin, Bekki, Anna, Yanna - June 14, 2000
Amy, Lea, Me - June 14, 2000
Everyone below the sunroom - June 14, 2000
Everyone on the driveway - June 14, 2000
Me, Anna, and Amy - June 14, 2000
Andrea and I - 2000 (Boston) Tug Muster
Andrea and her diploma it's bigger than her!! I call it the, "I Went to Carnegie Mellon University, where did you go?" picture :)
Adam D. and Dan #2 at Andrea and I's grad party June 2, 2001
Brian, Dan #1, and Dan #2 at Andrea and I's grad party June 2, 2001
Brian, Bekki, and Perla at Andrea and I's grad party June 2, 2001
Dan #1 looking pretty comfy at Andrea and I's grad party June 2, 2001
Julie D., Eric W., and Serena at Andrea and I's grad party June 2, 2001
Shayna, Joy, me, Dan #1 and #2 at Andrea and I's grad party June 2, 2001
Andrea and I after my high school graduation June 3, 2001!!!
Bekki, Kristina, and Anna at Nikki M. and Michelle E.'s graduation party June 6th
8th Grade at SMS (1995-1996)
Pie throwing (How to get back at the vice principal)
The yearbook pie page (2 lucky kids got to hit the vice and principal with pies!)
Facilty dunk gear (Their feable attempt at staying dry) R-L, Ms. Reardon (math), Mr. Donnelly (art-everyone's fav. teacher), and Mr. Kaiser (science).
The yearbook dunking page (We waited so long to do this)
Little Shop of Horrors SMS play -1997
Ridaa, Perla, Claudia (8th grade)
Me signing yearbooks (8th grade)
Chance at SSHC June 21st, 1998
Chance on his run June 98
Chance hanging out on the stairs
Chance out in the snow
Chance playing in the snow with a pink rubber ball -1999
Chance playing with his stick
Chance at Christmas (1998)
Chance sitting outside at night -winter 98-99
Chance and I at my confirmation party -June 12th, 1999
Chance posing -June 1999
Chance jumping -June 1999
Chance running -note the flapping ears ;-) June 1999
Chance and Eddy (age 8) at my confirmation pary -June 12th, 1999
Pickles the cat - escaping the rain in Chance's dog house! -Spring 1999
Chance, Pam, and Andrea Christmas 1999
Chance with his "jumball" - the hugest tennis ball I've ever seen! His Christmas present from PetCo.
Chance crossing his legs! Sometime after Christmas... possibly in 2000
Chance Spring 2000
Chance and his favorite toy
The horses!
Lolipop and I (I was 5 or 6 then!)
Beau Cheval -13h Morgan X, gelding - 1996
Beau Cheval and Pam's Kodak Moment (Posing for the camera) 4/28/96.
Beau Cheval and I "Sit-A-Buck" 4/28/96 (we won)
Beau Cheval and Pam showing in w/t at Mellobrook Farm. September 1996.
W/T Pleasure at Mellobrook Farm September 1996. L to R: Meghan H. on Gamble, Pam O. on Beau Cheval, and Jen on Keep In Touch.
Backing up in W/T Trail class at Mellobrook Farm, September 1996 (Pam and Beau Cheval -3rd place).
Junebug - 15.1h Appy mare - 1997
Junebug and I after an "ice skating" lesson ;o) She's a solid chestnut Appy mare, 15.1hh I think. She's not at the barn anymore, but that was from the winter of 1997
Avatar "V" - 13.2 1/2h Appy/Welsh mare - 1998
Trotting in Equ -V looks like a dressage pony :) SSHC 4/19/98
Trotting in Equ the other way, and you can see us :) SSHC 4/19/98
Me with V and our Champion ribbon/mug SSHC 4/19/98
Me and V waiting around, trying to stay awake (It was 80-85 F, I had a fever earlier, and V's earlier classes -short stirrup- took 2 hours!) SSHC -June 21st, 1998
Cantering in of my jumping courses (my toes are out too much, and my weight could be in my heels more :-P) SSHC 6/21/98
A "behind the scenes" look at jumping in warm ups (some of the jumps are higher, but they're the same courses as short stirrup so the jumps are low for their ponies) SSHC -July 12th, 1998
My first o/f class -same jump (notice we're not straight, tisk tisk) SSHC 7/12/98
Line up (this is the only show out of 4 that she stood in line with me for) SSHC 7/21/98
Jumping Avatar (a good pic, but a bit fuzzy) SSHC 9/6/98
Jeffrey "Jeff" - 15.3hh Selle Francais/Paint gelding - 1998-2000!
Jeffery and I in a lesson last winter (1999), I was slouching because we were just walking around waiting -you can't really tell though : )
A Kodak moment at SSHC, April 25, 1999
Taking off (at the jump) at SSHC, June 27, 1999
Landing at SSHC, June 27, 1999
Cantering off (you're not supposed to look down for your leads! *G*) at SSHC, June 27, 1999
Jumping at SSHC, June 27th, 1999 (My mother actually took a picture of me jumping! hehe)
Staying cool -or trying to- under the EWR's tent at SSHC, June 27, 1999 (Pam, Sarah, Jeff, Alexa's mom, Alexa + Copper)
A winning combination Pam and Jeff - SSHC Jr. Long Stirrup Equitation over fences championship winners, with instructor/trainer/owner at SSHC, June 27th, 1999
Pam and Jeff (Posing, the scanner didn't do the pic much justice) SSHC June 27, 1999.
A professional quality photo of Jeff - taken by my mother Nov. 7, 1999 at a Beland Stables Dressage Schooling Show
Pam warming up on Jeff - at Beland 11/7/99
Pam and Jeff - Job Well Done: Training Level Test 1 at Beland 11/7/99
Working Trot Circle @ E - A splendid figure preformed by Pam and her trusty steed, Jeffrey; at Beland 11/7/99
Jeff and I all done at the aggie 4H show 4/7/00
finishing the roll of
film :)
Pam & Jeff after jumping 4/7/00
Pam & Jeff in the judged
crossrails warm up
Pam & Jeff cantering a 2' course
Pam & Jeff after hunter pleasure @ SSHC September 2000
Pam & Jeff after their last classes of the season @ SSHC - we did it!! September 2000
South Shore Horsemen's Council
1998 Season Banquet -February 6th, 1999 at the Holiday Inn in Mansfield, MA
1999 Season Banquet - February 5th, 2000 at the Holiday Inn in Mansfield, MA
2000 Season Banquet - February 3rd, 2000 at the Holiday Inn in Mansfield, MA
Pictures can now be viewed on the Victory Stables, Inc. photo page.
MHS: Reservoir Farm
Inkspot and L.C. -the goats in their paddock this summer
Blue, Jay, and Misty out in the big paddock
Woody and Bebe in the far paddock
the MHS paddocks
Blue and Woody in the paddock winter of 1999
Misty (confused at why I don't want her to follow me) -June 21, 1998
Misty's best picture -June 21, 1998
Misty and me (filthy after my show in the heat and then grooming her) -June 21, 1998
Misty and I in our dressage lesson this fall
Misty and I again in the dressage lesson
Misty and I yet again, with another picture of our fall 98 dressage lesson
Misty and I trotting around with no reins
Misty and a student getting ready to ride!
Misty in the paddock avoiding me so she doesn't have to get ridden
Lovebug the friendliest kitten around -winter 1999
Sparky the "loner" barn kitten -winter 1999
Misty and I at Beland Stables' dressage schooling show, July 11, 1999
The 1998 Equine Affaire
John Lyons (the pink marker on the horse's shoulder and hindquarters was to demonstrate which point of the horse he was moving during a turn on the haunches and a turn on the forehand.
John Lyons again
John Lyons one more time
a mini horse at the AMHA booth
Back to Pam's page
last updated: June 11th, 2001 more to come!