William Alan Beavers's Homepage

I was named after my dad (William) and my middle name is after my dad's best friend.  I wasn't due until April 10th.  But I couldn't wait any longer to come to this great world.  I was born on the day of my church's Easter Drama.  My mom's family was in it so they wasn't there when I was born.

Mama: Christine Ann Young-Beavrs
Papa: William Robert Beavers Jr.
Born on: April 3, 1998 at 6:13pm
at: Oak Ridge Methodist Medical Center
Weight: 6 lbs 13 ozs
  Height: 20 3/4"
Hair Color: light brown

Mama: Thank goodness he's so cute, after all those 4  hours of labor! Phew!
Papa: oh no, he looks like me! hope he doesn't act like me!
Aunt Amy: he looks like his dad!
Grandma Jackie: he is so cute!!!

Faith Promise Church: this is where I go to church at.

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