
Surnames in Wood Family:
Allen,Andrews,Cannafax,Milner,Normand,Parker,Peugh,Reeves,Reid, Rogers,Smith,Waller,White,Wright.

Robert WOOD b.1790-1800 S.C. married Susannah,do not have a last name.They moved to Pike County by 1826.

Children are:

1.James Wood b.1815-1820 married 4 Sept.1836 in Pike Martha REEVES.

2.Mary Ann Wood b.1819-1820 married 8 Jan.1835 in Pike county to Robert Reeves.

3.Charles Wood b.1821 married 5 Jan.1845 in Pike county to Lena Rogers.

+ 4.Robert Wood b.abt.1823-24 married 4 April 1854 in Pike county to Sara Rogers.

5.Josiah V.Wood b.abt 1826 married 13 Pike county to Mary Susan ANDREWS.

6.Elizabeth Wood.b.abt.1827 married John ROGERS.

7.Matthew Wood b.abt.1830 married 9 Pike county to Ellen J.RIED.

+ 4.Robert WOOD Jr.married Sara ROGERS 4 April 1854 Sara is the daughter of Lemuel Rogers and Elizabeth WRIGHT of Pike County.

Children are:

8.Josiah Wood b.1 April 1847 married Nancy E.SMITH.

9.James Robert Wood b.19 Jan.1856 married #1.13 Dec.1874 Pike county to Fedonia WILLIAMS #2 20 Oct.1898 Tallulah WILLIAMS.

+ 10.John Caldwell Wood b.19 Aug.1857 d.27 Nov.1934 married 27 Feb.1881 in Pike county to Payola WALLER b.2 March 1858 d.30 Nov.1928. Buried in the family cemetery on Williams Mill Rd. Pike Co. Ga.

11.Mary Ellen Wood b.24 June 1859 d.11 Nov.1939 married 16 Dec.1877 in Pike county to Rufus Alonza BUCHANAN.

12.Wiley J.Wood b.abt.1864 d.1879

13.Martha Caroline Wood b.April 1866 married 13 Dec.1882 in Pike county to James W.PARKER.

14.Susannah Wood b.1868-69 d.1879.

+ 10.John C. WOOD married Payola WALLER she is the daughter of James S.WALLERb.1822 d.1864 and Nancy Ann PEUGH b.1825 d.1907

Their children are:

15.Annie Lee Wood.b 31 Oct 1882 d.13 March 1971 married 23 Nov.1901 in Pike county to George F.WHITE.

16.Effie Pauline Wood b.July 1885 d.29 June 1907 married 7 Aug.1901 in Pike county to Walter WHITE.

+ 17.Mary Ella Wood b.5 Sept.1887 d.15 Jan.1929 married 1 Oct.1905 in Pike county to Ollie Jones CANNAFAX b.20 April 1887 d.17 Dec.1965.

18.Feddie Masterson Wood b.5 Aug.1889 d.23 June 1977 married 2 Sept.1906 in Pike county to J.Troy W.BUSH.

19.Willie Mae Wood b.5 March 1891 d.7 Nov.1979 married 26 Dec.1909 in Pike county to Dewitt T.ALLEN.

20.Robert Sherman Wood b.5 Sept.1893 d.25 Feb.1965 married #1.13 April 1915 in Pike county to Mamie MILNER #2.22 June 1944 in Fla. to Ann Normand.

21.John Thomas Wood b.1894 d.1909.

22.Ludie Payola Wood.married 15 Aug.1915 to Warren C.WILLIAMSON

23.James Paul Wood b.20 Nov.1900 d.1956 married Benice DAY.

24.Mamie Wood died as a child

25.Jim WOOD died as a child.