Susannah's will is also in Goochland County, will book 4/212-213 and reads as follows:

"This Will made in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and forty three in the Sixtenth yeare of the Raine of our moste Souvrane Lord King Geore by the Grase of God King of Great Bretain France and Ireland Defender of the faethe. In the name of God Amen I Susannah Maxey being very sick and week of Body tho of parfick sense and memarey God be prased for it I doo willing and heartily Give and queue my Sole to God hoo gave it me and hoom I hope will recive it and my Body to the Earth from whense it Came there to be Desently Buried at the Descretion of my Executors.

"Item I give to my Son John Maxey one pound one shilling and six pence and half a dossen putor plates.

"Item I give to my Son Willam Maxey One pound one shilling and six pence and half a dosson puter plates.

Note: "Item I give to my Son Nathanel Maxey the feather Bed and furniture

"Item I give to my Datter Elizebeth Radford my Trunk and all my wearing Cloes.

"Item I give to my Grandatter Susanah Epperson my Side Saddel.

"Item I give to my Son Walter Maxey my other fether bed and furneture and two dishes.

"Item I give to my Grandson James Barns one heffer of two years old.

"Item I give to my Granson Charles Maxey one young mare of One year old.

"Item I give my Son Silvanus Maxey all the Rema___er of my Estate and I desire that my Estate should not beprased.

"and I doo apint and Constetne Silvanus Maxey to be my Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament In Witness whereunto I sett my hand and Seal this 31 day of May 1743.

James Gates, Thomas SragingSusanah Maxey Elienner boyef"At a Court held for Goochland County Septem 20 1743 James Gates and Thomas Spraggin proved this writing to be the last Will and Testament of Susanna Maxey which was ordered to be recorded."