The Last Will & Testament of Philip Brantley
State of Georgia: In the name of God Amen;

I Philip BRANTLEY of the County of Warren & State aforesaid, being of sound mind and disposing memory, praised be God for the same, and in consideration of the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the time thereof, and to the end I may be the better prepared to leave this world whenever it shall please God to call me hence, do therefore make and declare this my last Will & Testament in manner following; That is to say-First & principally , I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, my Creator, hoping for free pardon & remission of all my sins, and to enjoy everlasting happiness in his Heavenly Kingdom, thru Jesus Christ my savior. My body I commit to the earth, at the dicretion of my Executor, herein after named, And as such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to entrust to me; I dipose of the as follows;

Item. To my son, John BRANTLEY & his heirs, I give and bequeath four hundred dollars. The means and the manner of the payment of which is herein after provided.

Item. To my daughter Catherine PRUITT and her heirs, I give & bequeath two hundred dollars. The means and the manner of the payment of which is herein after provided.

Item. To my daughter Phoebe HIGHT, and her heirs, I give and bequeath five dollars, The means and the manner of the payment of which, is herein provided. This small legacy I give her, as an evidence of my remembrance, and in consequence of the provision herein after made, for her Fielding Hill.

Item. To Benjamin BRANTLEY, and Jephthah BRANTLEY, my sons Franky BREED and Hannah WALKER my daughters and Fielding HILL my grandson and their respective heirs, I give and bequeath, to be divided, share and share alike, among them, the following nine Negros, viz. Young Hilley, and her three children; Clara, Lad & Steve and Winney & her two children, Rees & Perryman, Jordan & Young Ben chargeable nevertheless, with the payment of the several specific legacies, herein before bequeathed to my sons John BRANTLEY and his heirs, my daughter Catherine Pruitt & her heirs, and my daughter Phoebe Hight, & her heirs, which said specific legacies, it is my will and desire my Executor should see paid, previous to the declaring of said negros to the persons to whom they are bequeathed.

Item. In consideration of their sevices heretofore rendered, & with infirmness, advanced age, its my will & desire , that my Executors, every exertion to procure the passage of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, for the Manumission and Emancipation of my three Negroes, Old Ben, Lizzy and Old Milley, and so far as any act on mine legally effect the emancipation of said three Negroes, Old Ben, Lizzy and Old Milley they are hereby declared free and emancipated.

Item. The whole of my Estate both Real and Personal of what nature soever, not herein before desposed of after the payment of my just debts, of which there but few, and none of magnitude, and other necessary incidental expenses, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Polly BRANTLEY and her heirs my daughter Polly GIBSON, and her heirs; and my grandchildren, Larkin BRANTLEY, Cynthia BRANTLEY, Lavinia BRANTLEY, Jones BRANTLEY, Harris BRANTLEY and Catherine BRANTLEY, and their respective heirs, in the following propotions viz. One third part thereof to my Beloved Wife Polly BRANTLEY and her heirs, one other third part thereof to my daughter Polly GIBSON and her heirs, and one other part thereof to my said grandchildren, and their respective heirs, to be divided among them, share and share alike which aforesaid division into three equal parts, may be effected by sale, or otherwise at the discretion of my Executor.

Item. I nominate and appoint my trusty friend Dennis L. RYAN whole & sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament, hereby revoking all Wills heretofore by me made.

In witness whereof I Philip BRANTLEY have to this last Will, set my hand and Seal this eighteenth day of March in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and nineteen.

Philip Brantley

Signed Sealed Published & declared
By the above named Philip Brantley
In and for his last will and testament
In the presence of us who at his request
and in his presence have subscribed our
names as witness thereunto.

Henry Conaway
Thomas Haynes
Martha M. Haynes 1