Will of Philip Brantley Jr.

Georgia, Warren County } In the name of God Amen: I Philip Brantley Jun. being weak of body but of sound mind & memory and calling to mind the Mortality of my body, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following.

Item- It is my Will that my family and property be kept together during my wife’s widowhood, or her having child or children, then my property to be sold and equally divided among my wife, Rebecca Brantley, Larkin Brantley, Cynthia Brantley, Lavinia Brantley, Jones Brantley, Harris Brantley & Katy Brantley. Viz The Plantation whereon I now live containing three hundred and fourteen acres, more or less, three Negros, Jack, Lee and Phereby, and their increase, two head of horses, and stock of cows, hogs, and sheep, together with all my household furniture beds ect.

Item- After paying all my just debts, all my monies, together with the profits arising from my crops or otherwise, to be lent out intrest, for the use and benefit of my heirs, as above mentioned.

Item- I do ordain and appoint my brothers Jeptha Brantley and Benjamin Brantley my Executors to act in this my last will and testament.

Item- It is my Will that Negro Jack or his wife be removed from each other a distance that he cannot have her for his wife, and request to be sold that my Executors do sell him and put the money to intrest, as above mentioned.

Item- It is my Will that when my youngest child becomes of age then my property and monies to be equally divided among my heirs as aforesaid --------hereby revoking and disannulling all other W & T by me made, and do constitute this my last Will & Testament.

In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twentyfourth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, and forty second of American Independence.

Philip Brantley Junr

In presence of
William Porter
Fielding Hill
Henry Hight