Will of Henry S. YARBROUGH

Pike Co. Georgia

In the Name of God Amen I Henry S. YARBROUGH being in firm body but of sound mind and memory do make and publish this present writing to be and contain my last will and testament and at the same utterly revoking all former will and gifts made by me.

Item 1. I give and bequeath to my wife Sarah YARBROUGH during her natural life and at her death to go to my son, James D.YARBROUGH, the two following lots of land to wit- number one hundred and thirty two (132) and lot number one hundred and thirty three (133) all in the first district of originally Monroe, now Pike Co. I also give to my said wife absolutely the six following Negroes to wit - Charlotte, an old Negro woman some seventy years old, George a man about thirty years old, Rhoda a woman about thirty years old and her two youngest children, Margaret and Jenny and their further increase and Matilda a mulatto girl abut 14 yr. old and her future increase. I also give to my said wife, Sarah Yarbrough, all my house hold and kitchen furniture, stock of all kinds, and provision for her family and stock sufficient to her for one year and the plantation tools.

Item 2. I give to my son. John A. YARBROUGH, the following land, lot number one hundred and thirty four (134) the half lot where on he now lives, the two following Negroes to wit, Monica, a woman about twenty and Jacob, a boy about seventeen years old.

Item 3. I give to my daughter, Mary Jane JACKSON, during her natural life and at her death to her children the following land to wit - number one hundred and twenty two (122) and half of lot number one hundred and twenty three (123) and forty acres of lot number one hundred and twenty one (121) all in the first district of originally Monroe, now Pike Co. I also give to my said daughter, Mary Jane JACKSON, the following Negroes and their future increase to have and hold and enjoy during her natural life. At her death to go to and vest in her children to wit- a mulatto girl Ellen, and her infant child, and a black girl Ellen.

Item 4. I give to my son, James D. YARBROUGH, the following lots of land, lot one hundred and thirty one (131) and lot one hundred and thirty seven (137) all in said first district of Pike Co. I also give my said son, James D., the following Negroes with their future increase to wit - Jerry a boy sixteen yr. old, Mariah, a woman eighteen years old. and her infant child Cheney and my blacksmith tools and carpenters tools.

Item 5. I give to my daughter, Martha Ann WILSON, during her natural life, and at her death, to her children, the following lands and Negroes to wit - lot one hundred and fifty three (153) and the south half of lot number one hundred and fifty four (154) all in the first district of Monroe now Pike Co. Also, Hannah a girl fourteen yr.. old, Joe, a boy six yrs.old with their future increase.

Item 6. I give to my daughter Nancy L. PATTON, during her natural life and at her death to her children the following land and Negroes to wit - Lot number one hundred and thirty five (135) and the north half of lot number one hundred and fifty four (154) all in the first district of Monroe now Pike Co. Also, a Negro girl Harriett about fifteen yr. old and Melia a girl thirteen years old.

Item 7. I further wish as my estate is in debt that my here in name executors do sell my land known as the Jackson and David Huckeby Old Place. My last years crop of cotton and pay my said debts and should not that what is due me be sufficient to pay off all my debts. I wish all my effects kept together and work till all my debts are paid off.

Item 8. I do here by appoint my two sons, John A. YARBROUGH and James D. YARBROUGH, my two joint executors to this my last will and testament in witness where of I do here unto set my hand and seal the fourth day of September in the year of Our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty two (1862)

Signed Sealed and Acknowledged in Presence of

Silas Coggin
Peyton Horton
Isaac B. Williamson
Henry S. Yarbrough.