Edward Maxey's will (1740) is found in Goochland County, Deeds and Wills 3/298-299, as follows:

"In the name of God Amen. I Edward Maxey of Goochland County being at this present Writing in perfect Senses and memory and Knowing the uncertainty of this mortal life do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth

"First I bequeath my Sole into the hand of Almighty God from whom I receiv'd my first Breth and my Body to the Earth from whome I was first taken to be buried at the discrection of my Executors heareafter named and as to what tembral estate God hath been pleased to besto on me I give and bequeath as followeth

"First I give unto my Son John Maxey one parsal of Land lying on the North branch of Jones Creek as a line Struck as followeth Beginning at the bark line a corner Clark oak, a Corner pine and a pick hikeey (?) from thence to the mouth of Schoolhouse branch to a Corner pobler and a black Gume from thence down the maine branch to a Corner Clark Gume I give and Bequeath to the foresaid John Maxey in dureing his life and after his Desese to his two Sons Samson Maxey and Edward Maxey the sons of John Maxey and Sarah his Wife and in case one of them dyes the other to poses the hole parcel of Land otherways to be Equal Devided between them two them and thare ares for ever

"I give to my Sone William Maxey the remaner of that track of Land it Joninge uppon William Sansdon and John Smith to him and his ares for ever.

"I give to my Loveinge Wife Susannah the Land She now lives upon and plantation during her mortal life after hur Descese the hole track to be Devieded Between my two Sons Walter and Silvanus to them and thare ares for ever my Will is that thay may live on the said Land not melistingue my Wife aforesaid my Son Walter to have that part Joining upon John Radfords line which was William Barnes,

"I give to my Son Nathaniel one fether bed and bolster.
"I give my Grandaughter Susannah Ratford won fether bed and bolster.
"I give to John Dunkin a young mare of three years old when the said John Dunkin doth come of age.

"And all the other of my Estate both reull and parsoul after my Deats and feneril Charges paid I give to my loveinge Wife and to hur Disbosinge and I make an Consecute my Loveinge Wife Susannah and my Sone Willim Excetors of this my last Will and in Witness whareof I have set to my hand and fixed my Seale yd 18 day of April 1737.

John Capper, Henry Bryon, John Mossom Edward Maxey"At a Court held for Goochland County May 20th 1740

Note: "This Will was proved by the Oaths of John Mossom and John Capper to be the act and Deed of Edward Maxey Desed which was ordered to be recorded.