Will of Young D. Allen Wills 1840-1876 Pike Co. Ga. State of Georgia, Pike County, In the name of God Amen this 18th day of March 1848. I Young D. Allen of the County and State aforesaid do constitute, ordain and make published and declare this writing to contain my last Will and Testament as follows.

Item 1 I leave to my wife, Jincey ALLEN, during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided among my three oldest children, to wit, Abraham S. ALLEN, Robert H. ALLEN and Elizabeth ALLEN now the wife of Thomas W. BALLARD, the following property to wit, Alexander, a negro man and Eliza his wife, Dilby a girl and Jim a man, Two lots of land, 223 and 224 in the first district of Pike County and half of my stock of hogs, cows, household and kitchen furniture and plantation tools, two horses or mules as she may choose, also provisions sufficient to last her and hands and stock one year.

Item 2 I give to my son Abraham S. ALLEN lot of land no. two hundred and twenty seven in the first district of Pike County, also a negro fellow by the nameof Jack and one named Mark.

Item 3 I give to my son Robert H. ALLEN the two following negroes to wit Charles and Peter, also the two following lots of land No. 225 and 226 in the first district of Pike County, one cow and calf, one sow and pigs and bed and furniture.

Item 4 I give to my daughter Elizabeth BALLARD my two negroes Amos and Booker.

Item 5 I give to my daughter NANCY all my inerest in a lot of land in Stewart County it being on seventh and on fourteenth part of lot No. 11 in the 18th Dist. of Lee when surveyed and the land I purchased of Mary Hester.

Item 6 The balance of my estate real and personal and every kind I may be possessed of at my death I wish sold and the proceeds after paying my just debts to be equally divided with my three oldest children, Abraham S. ALLEN , Elizabeth BALLARD and Robert ALLEN.

Item 7 I hereby appoint Abraham S.ALLEN, Robert H.ALLEN and Thomas W. BALLARD executors of this my last Will and Testament, signed, sealed, declared and published by Young D. ALLEN as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us the subscribers who subscribe our names hereto in the presence of said Testator at his instance and request and in the presence of each other this the 20th March 1848.

Wm W. Arnold
Thomas E. Hicks
Henry A. Caldwell

State of Georgia Pike County

We Henry A. Caldwell and Thomas E. Hicks do solomnly swear that we saw Young D. Allen sign, seal, publish and declare this writing to be and contain his will and at the time thereof he was of sound disposing mind and memory and that he did it feely without compulsion to the best of our knowledge and that we saw William W. Arnold sign the same as witness, this 4th September 1848.

Att’d in open court
W.O. Mangham C.C.D.
Henry A. Caldwell
Thomas E. Hicks