From Rimrock to the Ozarks
Goatlady and those Wonderful Kids
Most said it couldn't be done..
But with the help of great truckers ..alot of prayers and a wonderful man..Dr Ed Huston from Texas A&M, who told me "how" to move them.. We did it!
Her's our story...
Well.. We made it FINALLY..
Like to thought we never would... there for awhile.. it was quite a trip to say the least.
We ended up leaving a day later than we had planned.. the mechanic had JUST gotten to Matt's had been in the shop for 3 weeks
and the day we were supposed to leave he went in to check and they were JUST putting the transmission in..
but they did manage to put 4 tires on it in those 3 weeks.. *L*
I had only gotten my van back the day before.. not bad for a total of about $4500.00 for both vehicles.. HA!
Live and learn I guess.. but if the cars ran good that was my main concern

We used a local Livestock Hauling company- Wingfield Livestock Haulers out of Buckeye AZ.. the owner put his brother on the job..
The rig got to our place at 5am Thurs July 8th..
not knowing just how huge this thing was..

I thought it would have no problems getting into the place..WRONG!
It got hung up in a we decided to walk each goat out to the truck...WRONG again..

After a friend found a tractor working down the road.. to level the wash out to get the rig unstuck.. we made a loading shoot.. sort of *S*

Then some fool left the gate unattended and all the girls got out..

it wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't been scared by the sound of the truck and the ramp.. BUT....
Then to load the 40 bales of hay I made sure to have...we had 6 bales of left over straw after bedding the truck..the neighbor got that *S*

Then Everyone's finally loaded and ready to go..pouring rain by then.. at 5:05pm

The Mobile home got sold and was leaving out at the same time...

Here we all were.. FINALLY ready to roll..
We got all the way to the gate before my van broke down.. lost the alternator belt leaving my driveway..
The only reason I knew this was cause my windshield wipers the pouring rain...
3 miles down the road.. spent an hour and a half fixing it.. the mechanic decided it didn't need the spacer in the alternator.. Hmmmm