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...From Austria-Hungary And Germany To America...

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Welcome To The Gayk & Seibert Families Genealogy Website!

---My name is Caroline Gayk and I'm involved in a search for ancestors, descendants and relatives of my parents, Dagobert Gayk and Helena Seibert (who was previously married to Ignatz Kapp).

---If you had the birth surname of Gayk, Seibert, Szeibert, Realich, Bergman, Bergmann, Schnittger, Rockwell, Kapp, Kap or Crowley, please contact me via e-mail and we can compare notes and share information.

---Locations of family residences included Essen, Germany; Gakovo, Austria-Hungary; Ruegebeith, Germany; Brestovitz, Austria-Hungary; Backi Brestovac, the Federated People's Republic of Yugoslavia; New York City, White, Flushing, Bronx and Sea Cliff (Long Island) New York; and Indiana, Pennsylvania.

The Gayk & Seibert Family History

---My father, Dagobert "Bert" Gayk (b. 12-23-1907; d. 7-10-1954), immigrated from Germany through Ellis Island, to New York, when he was a young man. Born out of wedlock in Essen, Germany to Charlotte Gayk (b. 2-15-1885; d. 5-1971) Essen, and Carl Realich, of Ruegebeith, he was an only child. He was raised as a Lutheran. He had a half-uncle, Stanley Rockwell (b. 6-12-1882; d. 5-17-1959) and an uncle, William Gayk (b. 4-7-1875; d. 1-9-1947) who both immigrated to the United States and resided in Pennsylvania. William was married to Dorothea (b. 2-12-1865; d. 1-28-1943). Bert's maternal grandmother's name was Karoline, my namesake.

---My mother, Helena Seibert (Magyar:Szeibert) (b. 5-20-1907; d. 2-28-1988) was born a Roman Catholic in Gakova, or Gakovo, in the Federative People's Republic of Yugoslavia, (Austria Hungary) (the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Banovina Dunavska). She married a farmer there, Ignatz Kapp, of Backi Brestovac (Brestovitz), and they immigrated to New York City with her parents, Matthias Seibert and Catherine Bergmann Seibert. For a complete genealogical history of Ignatz Kapp's ancestors, please visit "A Tribute In Honor of The People of Backi Brestovac" Use the back button on your browser to return you to this site. Try it!

---Helena had two brothers and a sister who also migrated with the family; Martin, Tom, and Katherine (b. 8-27-1897; d. 1-1975) who later married Fred (Fritz) Schnittger. After the move to New York, Helena and Ignatz had two children, John Joseph Kapp (b. 5-19-1924; d. 1-8-1995) and Mary Katherine Kapp (b. 1-12-23). In 1928 or so, when his son John was about 5 years old, Ignatz returned to Brestovitz with John to visit his parents. John stayed in Brestovitz with his father and paternal grandparents until late 1929 when he sailed back to New York City on the steamship "Bremen" alone. Due to the unrest in Austria-Hungary (now Yugoslavia) Ignatz was refused passage back to the United States and died on January 23rd, 1934, never to see his wife and children again. Matthias Seibert's mother's name may have been Helen also. Catherine Bergmann Seibert's parents were named Margaret and Thomas.

---Helena Seibert obtained her United States Certificate of Citizenship as widow Helen Kapp on December 11, 1939. At that time she lived in Bronx, N.Y.. Dagobert married Helen in 1942 and had three children, Caroline Gayk (b. 1-19-1943) Charlotte Gayk (b. 5-17-1946) and Helen Gayk (b. 12-27-1947).

For More Detailed Family History Information, Click On The Links Below


Gayk & Seibert Family Reunion

---When all of the research is completed, it would be a pleasure to have all of the descendants come together for a family reunion. As this idea progresses into a reality, I'll keep you updated on this web page.

---To view past newsletters, click on the "Next" button below to go to page #2. You'll also find links to personal/genealogy websites of friends and relatives. If you would like to have your page listed there, send me the URL and let's reciprocate. Also, please sign the guest book and/or send me an e-mail with your comments/suggestions. Your input is always appreciated.

Newsletter Archive


LINKS, LINKS, LINKS---Cyndi's List Of Genealogy Sites...

VITAL STATISTICS---How To Obtain Birth, Death, Etc. Certificates...

MAILING LISTS---Connect With Other Researchers

SOCIAL SECURITY DEATH INDEX---An Excellent Search Tool...

SWITCHBOARD---Find Lost Cousins, Other Relatives...

FEDERAL CENSUS RECORDS---How To Order Microfilm Records

UNITED STATES GENWEB PROJECT---Links To States, Projects, Information...

GENEALOGY BULLETIN BOARD---Post Messages, Search For Relatives...

FIGURING RELATIONSHIPS---How Many Times Removed???

GENDEX--GENEALOGICAL INDEX---Data For Over 8,000,000 People...

AMERICAN SURNAMES---From Patronymics, Occupations, Places...


TREASURE MAPS---The "How To" Genealogy Site...

FAMILY HISTORY CENTERS/LIBRARIES---Storehouses Of Genealogical Data...

THE SOUNDEX MACHINE---Convert Your Surname To a Code...

BIRTHDATE CALCULATOR---Figure Birthdate From The Date Of Death...

UNITED STATES COUNTIES---A Listing Of Counties Nationwide...

PROPERTY RECORDS---Land, Deeds, Homesteads, Etc...

U.S. GAZETTEER---Place Data, Maps and Much More...

THE INFLATION CALCULATOR---Compare Costs Then With Now...

U.S. EXPANSION---Animated GIF Shows Our Country's Growth From 1650-1983...

ROOTS WEB---The Internet's Oldest & Largest Genealogy Site...

GENEALOGY ONLINE---Free Services And Data For Researchers...

LIBRARY OF CONGRESS---An Incredible Wealth Of Information...

NATIONAL GENEALOGY SOCIETY---A Wide Variety Of Resources and Tips...

INFOSPACE---Phone, E-Mail, Reverse Directories...

DOGPILE---Multiple Search Engine Efficiency...

EUROPEAN GENWEB---Excellent Resource For Continental Ancestors...

EXPEDIA MAPS---Locate Places Worldwide...

GERMANY/DEUTSCHLAND---Links To The Fatherland...

GERMANY TELEPHONE BOOK---Dialup Those German Relatives...

LDS FAMILY SEARCH ENGINE---A Valuable Research Tool...

BONSALL FAMILY PAGE...A link to descendants of Bert and Helen Gayk...

Send Mail To: carolinegayk@hotmail.com

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