<BGSOUND SRC="/echoesofgvs/gvsong2.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Now 2008
Then This painting is owned and copyrighted
by Patricia Saddler Wingler
The halls are quiet now, no longer echoing with the laughter and shouts of the students.
There are no more smells coming from the kitchen.
No students lining up to enter the dining hall.
The desks are vacant, the library shelves are empty of the hundreds of books that once lined up
waiting for eager hands to reach out and claim for studying or reading pleasure.
The blackboards are cracked and mildewed,
no smell of chalk dust in a cloud around erasers beaten on the banisters.
The dormitories are empty of boys and girls laughing, studying and rushing from room to room to share the latest gossip, the newest letter
from home or to borrow that special scarf or try to impress the latest romantic crush.
There is no sound of running water in the showers,
no washers and dryers spinning in the quiet of Monday laundry chores.
The voices of the choir are silent now, but if you listen carefully you will hear the sound of music echoing down the halls, and if you look with the vision of lingering memory, you will find Mr. Johnson standing patiently coaching the joyful sounds that once long ago were made in Churches and local services through out the Orange and Winston Presbyteries of North Carolina.
The Glade Valley Forum
Photo Gallery
The Glade Valley of yesteryear is no longer, but the memoires of the staff,
students and Alumni continue on into infinity.
These pages are created in the hopes that you may share some of those memories.
We give them to you to show that out of small dreams, miracles can and do happen.
In a structured atmosphere,dedicated staff, men and women molded and formed who we are today.
They gave us a foundation to build on, and influenced us in a positive way with their faith in God
and in the youth of those years. They sowed the seeds and we are reaping the benefits
of that harvest today.
For corrections, additions, or to contribute
photographs and memories,
please contact

Patsy Saddler Wingler
As you go through these pages, you will find the names of students and staff.
You will see the pictures of the past from the start to the end of
the students marching across the stage to receive their diplomas.
Those that did not graduate but had their student days interrupted
for many different reasons,are never the less part of the history of Glade Valley.
They left,  but went away with memories that will always linger in their hearts and minds.
Follow the buttons now to go forward , sign or read the guestbook.
We will always be adding things so please
bookmark these pages and come backto see each page.
Today you might see the choir
and tomorrow you may just be hearing the sweet
sound of the violin music of Mr. E. C. Johnson.
You never know what surprise may be lurking in the
next little corner, around the next turn of the stairs......
or even in the broom closet!