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Hi. My name is Melisa. I am a 46 year old happily married mother of three daughters. I have a 48 year old husband named Terry. My oldest daughter is Monica, 27. She has a son, Xavier - 5 and a daughter, Callie - 3. My middle daughter, Rebecca is 25. She lives in Tennessee. My youngest daughter Tara lives with us in Missouri. She is 19.

-----My Latest News-----

My grandson started kindergarten.

We are putting an addition on our house in TN.


These are my three daughters:
Front Row:  Monica, Rebecca, & Tara

Louis, Monica & Xavier




This is my nephew Justice. He is 10 years old. His mom works
2nd shift, so he used to stay with his Aunt Melisa a lot.
Since I moved, now he stays with his Nanny (my mom). He just started 5th grade.

Here are some of my favorite websites for you to visit!

Melisa's Personal WebPage


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