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![]() ![]() Genealogy and Background of Albert Szoka-Ledent I was born in 1928 in Budapest, Hungar. My father, vitez Szoka Geza Janos was vice-secretary of commerce until the death of the prime-minister, seceaded while opposed to send Hungarian army in the war. Then he resigned and till 1945 had a factory woodcraft of accessories. He was arested by Soviet and till 1957 was deported in Siberia. At the age of 16 in July of 1944 I was mobilized, sent in a 6 weeks officer school and sent to the eastern front. When the regent Horthy was arrested by fascites I left the army and went to an underground group. February 1945 the Russians occupied Budapest, with my mother (she was half-Belgian) we had to leave our home while occupied by a Soviet general. We had almost nothing to eat for 3 months. A Belgian diplomat was sent to Budapest. As my mother was half Belgian I was w working with him as a man of all works. I was also in charge to put coded telegramms at the post office. There I meat a girl who sent this telegramms and also I coded for her other kinds of telegramms to the Austrian - American zone (to the CIC, CIA, and the Voice of America. Then a Belgian ambassador came to Hungary in 1947 and I lost my job, but I was confidentially considered in an underground group nemaed the Carnation (SZEGFU) group. (The group consisted of 21 boys and girls). One of the girls 15 year of age became the mistress of a high ranking NKVD officer (later called the KGB). She was able to have offical blanket documents. We have liberated 58 political prisoners (18 of them by the request of Cardinal Mindszenty, 9 of them Catholic priests) none of them were nazis or fascists. January 1948 the NKVD person was arrested because of some financial affairs and called back to Moscow. The NKVD went through all his papers and found out that we liberated the prisoners with falsified with falsified documents. Nine of our group (one girl who furnshed the documents and eight comarades) were arrested but the group of 21 was condemded to death by the Russian military court. The balance of the group left Hungary. I went to Vienna and with the Americans I went through the Russian zone and reached Belgium. In Brussels I was working with the political intelligence. My mother arrived in Brussels and with the mother of my children we came to Canada. My first wife died and I am now married to Huguette. In May 1997 we went to Budapest. The next day in the presence of a military detachment giving the salute, I deposed 1 red and 8 white carnations in a memory of my comrades. When I came back to Montreal, I tried to find the other members of the Carnation group by the Internet but without success. There I had the idea to start the research of my family. I recalled the document my father had the photographic, originated in the church archives, the SZOKA names in the world and in history books, so I had the actual list of the SZOKA's. I spent 2 years by corresponding and by email with over 200 letters. I hope that with the family on the Internet we will be able to have more documents, names, and data of the SZOKA family.We SZOKA's are not aristocrats, but we belong to a very old family and I am proud to be a member of. Albert Szoka-Ledent
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