| Cats depend on their sight
much more than dogs do. |
 | A happy cat holds her tail
high and steady.
 | Ernest Hemmingway loved to
be surrounded by cats. He owned over 40 felines. |
 | Some cats can be trained by
rewarding them with food. Once a trick has been learned, praise and attention
is enough. |
 | Cats are magnificent and
knowledgeable listeners, so don't be afraid to talk to
them. |
 | Cars are a cat's lethal
enemy - more dangerous than dogs, humans or infectious
diseases. |
 | When food is plentiful,
most cats will graze - eat a little at a time and come back often for
more. |
 | Even short hair cats love
the attention and the stimulation of being brushed. Use this brushing ritual to keep an eye on your cats health. |
 | A cat that bites you for
rubbing his stomach is often biting from pleasure, not
anger. |
 | The more cats are spoken
to, the more they will speak back. You will learn a lot from your cat's wide vocabulary of chirps and meows. |
 | Your cat may run down the
stairs in front of you, only to collapse in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.
This usually signals that your cat wants to play. |
 | High places are useful
vantage points for keeping check on events. |
 | Whether indoors or
outdoors, cats are territorial. |
 | The cat has the most
delicate sense of touch of all mammals, and probably the most delicate sense of touch in the whole animal kingdom. |
 | Clean the litter box
daily. Cats are fastidious and have a keen sense of
smell. |
 | If you go by numbers
alone, cats may be the most popular pet in America. About 57 million cats are
owned, compared to 52.5 million dogs and 24 million
fish.. |
 | Even though cats groom
themselves, they generally love to be brushed. Long-haired cats must be brushed daily to prevent their hair from matting. |
 | America is a land of cat
lovers. More than one third of all households has a cat in the residence. Cats are so appealing as pets and companions because they offer love, loyalty, and amusement.
 | Most cats sleep as much as
16 hours a day including their many naps. This makes them the sleepiest of all mammals. |
 | Cats often overreact to
unexpected stimuli because of their extremely sensitive nervous
system. |
 | Solitary cats who receive
plenty of attention are generally happy, and some cats do prefer to be the only cat in residence. |
 | You will want to pick just
the right name for your cat. However, if you adopt a cat that already has a name, do not change it. A name change may make it harder for your new pet to adjust. |
 | Most cats are active at
twilight. If you're a cat owner, many of the things that 'go bump in the night will be from your cat. |
 | While catnip is attractive
to many cats, some felines are completely unaffected by its
properties. |
 | Don't pick up a cat by the
scruff of the neck - only mother cats can do this safely with
kittens. |
 | Cats may like all the
things that people eat, but human food is not good for cats. Stick to cat food when feeding your feline. That means no holiday table scraps! |
 | Don't feed milk to kittens
or adult cats. It may disrupt their digestive system. |
 | Your cat may enjoy a holiday gift of her own, but make sure that any new toys are safe: no rubber bands, beads, buttons, bells, strings, ribbons, or toys with small parts. |
 | Your cat may enjoy a
holiday gift of her own, but make sure that any new toys are safe: no rubber bands, beads, buttons, bells, strings, ribbons, or toys with small parts. |
 | Salt and other materials
used on roads in the winter can be harmful to your cat. If your pet goes outdoors in the winter... be sure to wipe his paws carefully when he returns to the house. |