Deilson Anomal Azevedo
"We cannot escape our origins, however hard we try" (James Baldwin).
My name is Deilson Anomal Azevedo. I live in Campos, Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL
The arrow shows where I live in.
This is my city from the LAPA bridge view
That is the city where I live - CAMPOS in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The city is about 280 km far from the city of Rio de Janeiro and 245 km far from the city of Vitoria in the state of Espirito Santo. We are in the SouthEast of Brazil, SouthAmerica. The blue area is the Atlantic Ocean.
If you are interested, we can tell more on my Country and my city.
My intention with this homepage is to search for my relatives and ancestors who lived and still live around the world. In order to do this, I'm introducing myself to others who could help me to find ancestors and relatives with last name ANOMAL. Although my last name is not ANOMAL, this is more significant name than my real last name AZEVEDO and we are searching for this family figure.
For time to time we intend to add facts and family pictures helping you to recognize our genealogy and perhaps this could help us to draw our family tree. That is my special aim.
I ask you please, help me to draw this target so soon as possible, wherever you are in the world. I'm sure we can get wonderful surprises when we rescue our origins and roots. As you answer my request, I will put your information in the homepage, so we can spread out for the others what we've got.
Bellow you can see our links and Email address. Please, watch them and enjoy. I'll see you later.