He's a volunteer extraordinaire! He has a full time job that he loves but he also is a
volunteer fireman
(actually deputy fire chief), auxiliary
police officer, and minor hockey coach of a team neither one of our three kids are on!
Dad is a sports fanatic! If it's a sport, he likes it.
He's a super hockey player and plays whatever position is needed in his recreational league
team. He can play all positions well.
Recently Dad has discovered Karate. He is working on his yellow belt. All of us actually
went for a while but the rest of us found it too hard to keep up with our busy schedule. Maybe
we'll go back when hockey is over. Dad liked it too much too quit.
Dad is also a weightlifting fanatic. He likes to work out every chance he gets, which isn't
near as much as he'd like. His dream is to have a total gym in the basement or access to gym
facilities in our community. He doesn't have either. Maybe someday!