
Hello to all of my friends. Thanks for stopping by my home page.

Thanks for stopping by my homepage. I have finally found my way back in here to updat and make some much needed changes here. Life has sure changed alot since I first created this websight. Not all this time has been good. I've kept myself busy with volunteering at the elementary school where my boys attended but chose to give that up after 15 yrs of service, have been enjoying learning the fine sport of Golf & with the help of a great coach, I might just get there, I've been bowling again so 2 nights a week I still try to master that sport. I've been getting some great coaching tips for this one too and it has paid off. There are still times where I can't seem to get my eye - hand coordination to work for me but it's always a work in progress. The point is, that atleast I'm having some fun. Thanks to my "coach" for all the pointers *BS* Please browse around the websight, check out a few of the links and even sign the Guestbook. I'll try to do better about checking in on this sight and making changes as needed.

... my family

I have 2 wonderful boys.

Mark, is quite the intelligent one. He is smarter than he really likes to let show. He tries very hard with everything he does & I know he will be quite successful with whatever he chooses to do in his life. It's hard for me to believe that he is 20 and going to college. I sure love him a great deal and I'm always proud of him. He's majoring in Visual Communication & Photography. It is amazing how creative he truly can be.

Mark's Page

Michael, is my sports kid. His great love is basketball. He has high hopes of going to Duke and play basketball for them. I sure hope he can catch up with that dream and enjoy all that life will offer him. His grades alone should enable him to attend any college he wants. He has a great many friends and enjoys trying new sports. He's been enjoy paintball for awhile now. I've not played with him yet but he sure comes home with the paint splatters. He's just finished up drivers-ed so now more worries begin but I knew this day was coming.

Michael's Page

Nicole, My Angel, is living in Heaven in the shelter of God's Love.

Nicole's Page

They are really a busy pair of boys. I wasn't ready for teenagers yet, but then again, who is ever ready for teenagers. Keep your fingers crossed for me. These boys of mine are really something.

... my work

It's been almost a year now since I closed my Day Care. After 10 1/2 years I had raised enough children besides my own 2 boys. I was ready for something more exciting in my life. I had graduated from a bartending school in 2006 so decided to take that challenge on as a business of my own. On January 1st, 2008 Drinks Made Simple LLC began. Business has gone well for the first year. I advertise on Craigs List and get plenty of referrals. I also work at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, through the bartending school as a bartender for events, an instructor and a Serve Safe Alcohol instructor, plus, a few catering company's. I am hoping to stay busy. I have a great time with the party atmosphere and meeting people.

... my interests

I have a great many interests that I try to be involved with. Being out with friends is the most fun. The bartending has given me the priveledge to meet new people and hang in some pretty high profile people. The best for me is the parties I have done for many NFL players. I am a huge NFL fan so be among the players in their home life is a thrill. I enjoy watching people just be people, enjoying life like the rest of us. They just happen to have more money to do it with. I have some great stories to tell of many of these events.

... My Dad

On February 23, 2005, my Dad passed away from Cancer. It's been a real rough year trying to live with the fact that he is gone. I've never felt more alone in my life but I feel him with me in my heart. I can still hear words he's said to me over the years and remember all the times he helped me play catch so I could improve my softball game. A 1st year anniversary of him passing was tough but I have realized that life is a circle of events and changes that we must all face. It still isn't easy having him gone but what he gave to me whilehe was here will live with me forever. I only hope I have made him proud. I know that through faith one day we will be together as a family once again & I know He's happy on the other side.

I love you and I miss you terribly. I pray for your peace on your journey. God Bless.
