Julio's Picture Page
Julio was born on June 17th 1997. At two years
old this spring he stands15.1 H's and he is still growing.
He is out of a 15.2H mare and a large standard jack.
Just minutes old and both mom's are checking
him out. We are so excited. Great color.
Trying out his legs. Born at about 2:30 am.
I spent 5 nights in the barn waiting for his
entry into the world.
A few more of his first steps.
Here he is at 1 year old, all legs, bones
and skin. He stood at 14.2 amazing at only
a year old.
Same day different angle.
Well Julio is now three and stands 16 H's. Almost as tall as his sister Velvet. He spent a week in August at Brad Camrons MULE CAMP. A nice man named Ken was the one who worked with him for the week in the colt starting part. They got along realy well and Julio is doing just great. Ernie spent two weeks up in the wilderness with him packing in and hunting for moose. Julio did everything that was asked of him. We were very pleased with how he came back from just one week. Thanks Ken and thanks Brad. :)

Check back later
and see up dates on Julio. He is three now
and will be spending a lot of hunting season in the mountains getting some wet saddle blankets on him.
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