Hi, not only do we raise spotted mules and show them I also
raise and show mini-rex, netherland dwarfs, and once in a while flemish
giants. My chocolate buck Rufus won BOSV when I took him to Nationals
for ARBA in Portland OR. 1998. I have shipped bunnies all over the
states to people who show and raise mini-rexs also. Here is a picture
of Rufus and some of his off spring.

Some off spring
I raise chocolates, tri's, blacks and brokens. I also go to as
many shows as I possibly can but most of our show are quite a few hours
away. Mini-rex have the greatest feeling fur, you just haven't felt
a softer breed of rabbits then the rex. They average around 4 to
4 1/2 lbs. Nice sized rabbits for showing or just for a family pet.
Here are some of my tri's. I have received numerous BOB's with
my tri's.
This senior doe has gotten a BOB, BOS twice and has just begun to go
to the shows. She is doing great.
Some young juniors.
Willey one of my senior bucks. Loves people and gives me kisses.
Here's our son Dustin with a couple charlies, which are called charlies
because they have less then 10% color. They have just awsome fur
which helps strengthen the fur by using them as brood stock.
Here is Molly one of my senior siamese sable netherland dwarf does.
She has just started her show days and in four shows she has gotten four
BOS. A very nice doe and I'm looking forward to having nice babies
from her.
Here is a little Blue Eyed White netherland dwarf buck, they
have just the prettest blue eyes and snow white fur.
Just a couple of very young mini's.
Some more young babies.
Here's one of our mules Bridgett, saying hi to Snowball, a BEW netherland
Nether one seemed to mind each other.
Well thats just some of the bunnies that I raise and show. I enjoy
all of my animals, and on our farm we also have, chickens, ducks, turkeys,
canadian goose with one wing, donkey, horses, dog, a blue rat, guinea pigs,
and I sure I'm forgetting something else.
Well come on back for updates and more pictures. The show season
has just started and I'm having fun. If anyone wants to know more
about our rabbits and mules just give us an e-mail and I'll get back to
you. Thanks for visiting the BUNNY PAGE. Please return to my main home page and sign our guest book before you leave. Thank you
Donna :O)