Zak was a healthy, happy tomcat until he started having a few health problems in 1998. On June 19th, 1999, he went to the rainbow bridge. We will miss him!
If you want to see a picture of Zak and Shea as babies click on the thumbnail....
As for Shea, the mother cat decided to move her kittens, and my husband, drawn by Shea's unusual coloring, knew that if he wanted her, he'd have to get her before the move. So Shea was only about 4-5 weeks old when we got her. And that's how she came to share our home. Of all my cats, Shea is the one with the worst "cattitude". She loves me, and just puts up with anyone else. She's the only cat who likes to sleep with me. Which is rough, 'cause she doesn't like my husband.
Shadow was our next "find". We were driving around a park on the edge of our town, just about dusk, when my husband spotted a black smudge by a lightpost. She was only about 4-6 weeks old, and half starved. She's 6 years old and a beautiful lady today. Her favorite person is my husband, it's almost as though she knows who found her! We let Shadow have a litter of kittens when she was a year old, we took 3 of them to a petstore, who sold them. The one we kept was Dyna.
Dyna is our baby. She was my pick of the litter. Her three sisters were all grey, long haired beauties, and although Dyna had long hair, her tortiseshell coloring made her stand out from the crowd. She's now 5 years old and pretty open to lovin' from anybody. Of my 3 ladies, Dyna is the most talkative.
Feed me well and promtly, so that I may then find a quiet place to lie down and stare at you. If that place happens to be on top of the television set, do not keep trying to dislodge me even though my tail is hanging in the middle of the picture. When I bump my head against your leg or cheek, it means I accept you as part of my environment. Keep in mind that if I thought the lady next door would feed me better, I'd be out of here in a minute. If you're looking for loyalty, get a dog.