Music: There's A Place
Hi! My name is Jan Gardner, and this is my home on the net! I want to share so many things in my life with all of you who come to visit, so grab a cup of coffee (it's in the carafe!), or a glass of tea or lemonade, and join us!
I'll start by telling you a little bit about us!
We live in the beautiful state of Iowa! Council Bluffs is a small city full of history and surrounded by the beautiful bluffs from which it gets it's name. It is said that Louis and Clark met with local Indians on these bluffs on their way through this area.
Our bluffs are also part of what is called the Loess Hills that run down the western side of Iowa along the Missouri River Basin. The hills are rare and beautiful! Due to the structure of the Loess Hills, there is only one other place on this earth that has anything like them, and that is in China! I love my bluffs, and I wouldn't know what I'd do without them surrounding me! LOL!!!
My hubby, Joe, and I have lived in the same home for 22 years. There's nothing spectacular about this little house; we only have 828 sq ft of living space! But we've raised 3 fine children here, there's only one still at home! I've always liked to say that we are small on floorspace, but large on love!
My mother also lives with us now. She has, most always, lived in and around this area, but about 2 years ago, decided to try living in the south. (We have many relatives who live there, including Mom's sister and daughter, my older sister!) But Momma is a northerner at heart and in March of 2000 came home to stay!
My Family and Friends!
My family has gone through some changes recently and I am working on some changes to their pages...Please come back soon and visit us again!
To visit a page, just click on the icon to the left of it!
My hubby, Joe, is the most wonderful man in the world! (Not that I'm biased!) LOL!!! I do tend to get a bit sappy where he's concerned, but I do have the right to!!!
I couldn't help but make this tribute to our love!!! If you're a romantic at heart, check this one out!
This is a page in tribute to my beautiful Mom! I will soon be adding a page to let you see her now, & get to know her better!
Joe Jr. is our son, and just got married to a beautiful young lady named Jill!
Joe and Jill recently suffered the loss of a baby.
This is our tribute!
My page about my friends!
Our Pets!
My cats are definately a part of our home! Come and visit them on their page!
This member of the family is no longer with us. This is our tribute to Sandy, including a poem I wrote just for him!
Come and meet our family's newest canine member!
Other Things Of Interest To Me!
These are the pages about my faith. I'm not done, but it's a good start!
This is my Pro-Life Page!
Stop Abortion ~ Not
A Beating Heart!
On this page I tell of some of our camping experiences!
Come see my Raccoon Room!
This "Raccoondance" was made by my friend, Janet!
My Season Pages!
(Of course, I'm not done yet!)
This page of Autumn leads to the holidays in that season!
I won an award for my Halloween pages!
My Winter page and some of it's holidays.
Christmas Page
This is a "fun" page. Want a good laugh?
God's Kids
More coming......
These are my RAOK pages!
I have made many friends there!
My Main RAOK Page!
This is a page of gifts and such that I've received from
several friends at RAOK! I call it Net Angels!
A second page for the gifts and such!
Come and see my garden!
A page full of Valentine love!
Yet more Valentines!
Easter! What a wonderful holiday!
I was in "Secret Bunnies" at Easter!
My first RAOK Christmas! 1999!
In 1999, I played the anonymous "Christmas Nut"!
My RAOK Trivia award page!
These are a few awards I've received..thank you!!!
From Diane
From Terri
From Claudette
You can see other awards I've gotten on my Faith page and on Sandy's page!
Please email me!
A Stranger is just a Friend that you've never met!
My Guestbook
Three of the Webrings that I belong to!!!
The RAOK Group

I am a very proud member of
The RAOK Group
Join me in making new friends and helping to make the internet a better place! By spending 5 minutes a day and spreading around a little kindness we can make a difference!
Number of visitors to my site!
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