Simple Living & Learning at Home

One simple click takes you to information on simplifying your lifestyle, organizing your home,
restructuring your finances or finding a whole new path. All from the comfort of your home.



Home Is Where The Heart Is

Home Education

Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise,
and apply your heart to my knowledge

Living Books

I applied my heart to know, to search and seek out wisdom
and the reason of things



A Personal Credo by John Robbins Here's a beautiful, gentle way of looking at life.

Do you like to help others? Here's an amazingly simple way to help ~ The Hunger Site

Tired of being frazzled during the Holidays/Holydays? Take a look at: 10 Tips for Christmas

Susan's Journey to Simplicity - great story! Our Family's Journey to a Simple Life

An interesting perspective on Simple Living~here's an article you might enjoy: Pioneers or Pariahs?

As our priorities become clear, life becomes simpler The Gentle Art of Blessing

The Frugal Life - Living Well With what You Have ~ A good source of ideas on frugality.

Are You on The Road to Debt and Destruction? Great quiz to help you find out!

A Simple Spending Plan ~Here's Step One - take a look! ~

The Simple Mom says "Happiness is making the most of what you have." Check out this site for many simply great ideas.

Clay and Judy Woods have been on a long trek ~read their story in Thoughts on Voluntary Simplicity

At Choosing Voluntary Simplicity you'll find other people seeking the simple life. Take a look!

Read John Andersen's Essays for an unconventional perspective

Counting the Cost is your Guide to Abundant Living without Abundant Spending

Are you Confusing Simplicity with Frugality?

Successful Coming Home Stories Read how others made it back.

Debbie Williams and Flo Feldman Help you Organize at Shoetring Organizing Solutions

Natural Home Magazine has many free resources on its website

A Simply Simple Budget Plan can me found at:
An E-Z Budget System

At All Things Frugal you'll find good prices for the things you still need.

Tightwaddery and Organization come together at An Organized Home

At Sort It - Residential Organizing you'll be taken by the hand in your quest for streamlining your home.

Need a routine to help you organize your home? At Shine Your Kitchen Sink you'll learn more!

Use Your Senses To Create A Sacred Home There's more to Feng Shui than meets the eye. Check it out!

Learn how a few simple steps can save you hundreds in energy costs. Read Energy Efficient Interior Design

Simple tips with links to more at Kitchen Cleaning Tips

If you enjoy gardening you might want to Paint With Flowers

Make Be original and save money too!

The Simple Living Network Books, tools and sources of information for seekers of a simpler lifestyle. Great site!

A Mother's Prayer by Barbara Smith

Someone once told me that everything you own costs you.
Do you possess your possessions, or do they possess you?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Take time to smell the roses.~~~~~~~~~~

Have a feast on "good food for thought" at the above sites!

~~~~~Latest Update July 10, 2009~~~~~

Please come back soon for another visit. I promise to keep this site simple as I add links to some sites on simple living and living books, food for the heart and soul. E-mail me at

A Spanish Proverb: "Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias."
translation - "To live with fear is to only half-live."
Live fully - live without fear!

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear