Welcome to my homepage!

Hi, my name is ~Linda~ and I'm glad you stopped by. Please stay for a while and visit with me.
This is about my family, pets and hobbies. Also a place where I like to share the graphics that I make for you to make your own website, just in case you need a little help. Please visit my pages and enjoy what I have to offer. There is a banner at the bottom of this page to use. I will look forward to reading your messages in my guestbook. I always return the favor. ~Enjoy~

Thanks for coming, and take a moment to visit all my friends on my links and banner exchange page, who help provide me with some of these wonderful graphics. They have given me the inspiration to try and make some of my own.

~Updated on Feb.. 8 2003~
~Friendship Quilts~
Please join us! Click here to find out more!

This is a picture of my adorable grandson, Ethan.
He will be 3 yrs old on Nov. 1, 2004!

~Calling Cards~

Calling Cards ~page 2~
Calling Cards ~page 3~

Click for Westerly, Rhode Island Forecast

Please sign one of my new ~Dreambooks~ below!


Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Fonts for downloading!

Cool effects for your website are found HERE!


Background by:
"Country Angels Graphics""

Computer graphics from:

~updated on ~Sept. 26th 2004~

© 1997

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