Hi! Welcome to my homepage!

We are just plain ole country folks here!

So you all just come on in,kick your boots off, get your selves a sodie pop, and make your selves right at home.

This here house may not be as fancy as you all are used to but, country folks don't need all that fancy smancy stuff. But Pa did let me get one of those fancy home decorators.

Well since your here, why don't you set down and stay a while. And let us entertain you, we will put on our sunday go to meetin clothes and put on our best behavors.

And maybe by the time we are finished with you. You might decide that you like the country. Who knows we might even become neighbors.

Ma's Corner

Pa's Place

Lil Ellie Mae's Room

Lil Jethro's Room

Our Extended Family

The Neighbors

Fancy House Decorators

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Here is my first award
Thanks Tammy

Here is my second award
Thanks Coni

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