Mom with the                       Luke's one month              Jacob ready for the             Christmas with
newborn                              photograph                        Blue's Clues Concert           Grandma Thomes
My big brother is                                                           With Grandpa Goetz
a dork!                                                                          studying Enron's   
                                                                                   Jacob loves his                Relaxing with
                                                                                   little brother                    Grandma Goetz
I hear this sleeping                Acting goofy with               Hanging out with              Yes, we still do have
position is the cure               cousins, Meghan                  Uncle Corey                     our dog, Haley
for insomnia                        and Sydney
With Grandpa                       Jacob's Thomas the            Why didn't you get
Thomes                               Train Engine cake               the big helmet?
                                           for his 3rd Bday
Playing in the snow                It's bathtime for
          Welcome to the Goetz Family Web Page
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