<BGSOUND SRC="/jackyna/trsnhvn.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hi. Glad to see you made it! Let me start off by telling you a little about myself. My name is Renia(Renee). I enjoy fishing, camping, cooking, my animals, and surfing on the internet. I hope you enjoy my homepage and stop back soon for updates.
I would like to introduce you to the rest of the family. These are my pets.

Chynna Marie went to heaven on April 04, 2003. She will be missed very much. She was so faithful and she was my bestfriend for many years. I am so very sad as I write this because I will be so lost without her being by side. Waiting for me when I come home, keeping me warm at night and when I m sad she is always there. I miss you Bynna. Love,  Mommy
1990  -   2003
This is Chynna, she is 13 years old. She is my little bed warmer, she sleeps beside me everynight. She would throw me over in a sec for a tennis ball. LOL.
Jacky & Punky 2001
Greetings from Punky(15) and Jacky(14). I have had both of them all their lives. Jacky is Punky's daughter and she's kinda timid. Punky is very outgoing and is the first to greet visitors when they stop by, especially if they don't like cats. Ha.
I Miss them dearly.
Homer was such a faithfull, gentle boy. He was so protective of us and to his kitty brothers and sisters.
Due to the amount of spam I  was getting I had to remove my email sorry to anyone who is legit for wanting to email me.
The graphics on this page are mostly from Cat stuff. Please visit the site for all your graphic needs.