<BGSOUND SRC="/birdiepaul/beeful.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Okay this is really cool!  I have no clue as to what I am doing here!  Just having a good time and trying to be creative! I figure it this way; if my kids can do it I can too!!!!!!! There is more than just this one page here keep clickin' to go to the rest!
Life's Lessons

We struggle to get into this world!  Not knowing what lies ahead!
Our whole life is built upon struggles.  Our whole life we strive to
perfect us, but do we know what perfection really is?  I have struggled
many, many times to make the correct decision.  I cannot tell you that
all have  been the correct ones. 
BUT I know this that they were my own
decisions to make and I have not regretted any of them. 

Life has taught me to be myself whoever that maybe!
Life has taught me to LOVE others and they will love me!
Life has taught me that whatever plans you have made for
your children, they will make their own!
Life has taught me to Love the Lord with my whole heart and
He will Love me back NO matter what.
Life has taught me that we are all God's children and we are no better
or worse than our fellow persons.
I think the most important thing that I have learned in my life is to accept
life and to enjoy all I have and not want what is not mine to have.---

Birdie's thoughts.
I remember having a slinky it was so much FUN!!!!  Yes, of course, I was young!!!!
Tweety is so cute! 
Just look at the twinkle in the eyes! 
Oh, by the way Tweety is a girl! 
I don't care what people say she is...
Since I love to DANCE!!!!
This could be ME! tee hee!
These are my Babies!
Yes, Ross is Married! I LOVE my new daughter!
Drink of the beauty of this Earth!
Throw all the cares away!
Keep safe your memories!
Savour thoughts of LOVE
Keep kind ways and live in Grace!
and what babies they are!
now I am their problem child!
God's gives us gifts
to make this place better!
He speaks to us in whispers,
so all who are deaf can hear!
He tells us little secrets,
He tells of of his LOVE!
He graces us with beauty,
in the pictures of the seasons!
For this I thank Him dearly,
for all His beautiful gifts of love!
Life is a bowl of cherries!  The only thing you have to do is watch out for the pits! -- LOL
you r
to visit
keep smiling!
People will wonder what you're up too!
CLICK on Smiley Face to go to page 2