<BGSOUND SRC="/wingsofadove99/onthewingsofadove.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Welcome and thank you for visiting "By the Wings of a Dove"
I have a very strong belief in angels and a very strong love for children.
These pages are dedicated to both
The Angels and the Children
~ especially the missing and the abused ~
To All of God's Little Angels
who are lost, scared, or hurting
I believe there are Angels watching over us
and guiding us during each step
we take through life.
I know that our loved ones
who have gone with the Lord
are among the special ones that
are right beside us.
Not knowing what shape or form
an angel may take
I cannot say I have been blessed to see one.
But I do believe many people
have had the priviledge to.
I think this piece of art portrays an angel
in the most beautiful image I have ever seen.
Artwork of Jonathon Bowser
Wings of a Dove
(by Bob Ferguson ~1960)

On the wings of a snow white dove ~ He sends His pure sweet love
A sign from above ~ On the wings of a dove

When troubles surround us ~ When evils come
The body grows weak ~ The spirit grows numb

When these things beset us ~ He doesnt forget us
He sends down His love ~ On the wings of a dove

When Noah had drifted ~ On the flood many days
He searched for land ~ In various ways

Troubles he had some ~ But wasn't forgotten
He sent him His love ~ On the wings of a dove

On the wings of a snow white dove ~ He sent his pure sweet love
A sign from above ~ On the wings of a dove
I am very honored to have Mr. Ferguson's "autograph" in my first  guestbook !
Please be an angel
and sign my guestbook
Let me know you were here
I'd love to come visit you
First Guest Book
New Guest Book
Old Guest Book

Please take the time to view the Missing Children Banners I have placed
throughout my site. If you have a webpage of your own, please consider
placing one on your site. You never know when it could be someone
visiting your site that may be able to help. ~ Thank you
Unfortunately, this cruel world places
much too much pain and heartache on our children.
Every second, every day, one of them faces the
loss of their innocence and the loss of their
precious, unlived life. My heart breaks for them and
the evil they've faced. My prayers are forever with
them and their loved ones. Their families face a pain
unlike any other ~ may the Angels be by their sides.

If you could feed a hungry person by just clicking the mouse in your hand ~ would you ?
By clicking the button below you can provide food to a hungry child somewhere in the world.
Just from a click you could save a child's life from starvation ~ and you can do this every day.
~ The program is totally paid for by sponsors ~
~ All it will cost you is a click ~
~ Not too much for a life is it ~
So please, spare a moment, and spend a click. Thank you