The Boots Newsom Family
Hi. Let me tell you about myself.   Ilike to eat. Sometimes I drink. Often times I even sleep! And then in between all of those, I'll need to go to visit the bathroom. Most of the time I do all of those, practically everyday! And sometimes I do things with other people. I used to go to school, but now I work.  My favorite color is blue.
My hobbies and interests include dirt track racing, (watching)
Computing and I really enjoy working around the house. My wife Sherry see's  to it that I am never bored.
My favorite thing to do is go to and work in my Church. It's Web page link is below. Check it out.
My friend and I like to go to dirt track races and watch Nascar races on TV.  If there was ever a question about my favorite driver let me stop the quessing. Jeff gordon is the best driver of them all.
Sherry, Ruby and Victor at the Newsom Family Reunion in Mississippi in March
My Grand Kids and Son-in-Law
March 2002
I am still under construction.
Please come again and let me know what you think
I have a mom, and two sisters. Both of them are younger. I have 2 younger brothers. I'm also the first boy. I am married to a wonderful woman and have 2 children and4grandchildren.
I also have relatives in Mississippi and California which I plan to visit this spring
The couple on the left of the picture is the one's we will visit in June.
My wife is Sherry. She is my  best and closest  friend. My other friends are Carl, Loren, and Butch. We like togo see dirt track racing and watch Nascar Winston Cup Racing.

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My Church Family