Are you a good parent or grandparent? Do you know what the child in your life is doing? (Computer games? Books? Music?) Who are their roll models? Are you one of them? Your opinions count, and knowledge is the key. I hope you will take my survey, and give your opinions.

Choose an appropriate computer game for a 9-12 year old.
Doom II Doom II Lego Creator Lego CreatorJump Start Adventures Jump Start Adventures

Choose an appropriate book for a 9-12 year old.
The Art of The RifleThe Art of The Rifle So You Want to Be a WizardSo You Want to Be a Wizard  The Last of the Really Great WhangdoodlesThe Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles
Choose an appropriate music cd for a 9-12 year old.
Da Game Is to Be Sold, Not to Be ToldDa Game Is to Be Sold, Not to Be Told Pokemon Z.B.A. Master Songs from Television ShowPokemon Z.B.A. Master Songs Free to Be You and MeFree to Be You and Me
Check the following items that you feel are most important in communicating with a child.
Listening Talking together Getting Angry and yelling
Select the answer that best fits your child's situation.
Who does your child respect the most in your family.
What is the favorite thing your child likes to do?
How many people do you think it takes to raise a child?

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