<BGSOUND SRC="/pattom_70654_us/userfiles:/user/endlesslove.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Please Sign My Guest Book

We are so glad you stopped by to visit. My name is Pat and my husband's name is Tommy. The Lord blessed us with three beautiful daughters, Lynette, Angee, and Crystal,and one handsome son named Thomas. We also have four of the greatest grandsons in the world; one grandson is fifteen, one is twelve, and a set of twelve year old twins. I am a full time housewife and grandmother. I also care for my parents and my elderly aunt. I enjoy cooking and trying different recipes. People laugh at me because in a recent remodeling, we added a second stove to my kitchen. I hope you will drop in and try some of my favorite recipes . Tommy and I are members of Shady Grove U P C. Tommy also has a weekly prison ministry. If you decide to visit our church web page, you can go to the prison ministry link,and read his testimony. Two of the ladies in our church, Angie and Melanie, also have beautiful web pages. Angie is the one who got me interested in making a web page. I hope you take the time to visit them. I think you will enjoy them.

Please Visit My Other Pages
Tommy and Thomas My Grandsons My Daughters Banner Exchange
My Husband Tommy's Parents My Parents Great Recipes
Food For Thought Win My Award My Awards Catchy Cliches'

You are guest #

If you would like to exchange banners with me, just email
me yours and I will send mine to you. Thanks

You can view my old guestbook below.

If you love angels, click on the one above.

The background I used
in my both of my guestbook was
borrowed from Marvelicious.
