<BGSOUND SRC="/kitrinap/when_im_sixty_four.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
opened on October 3,1999
Hi!  welcome to my web pages...my name is Kitrina (or pooh if you had ever run into me in vp)...glad you could stop by!!! This is pretty much my "play" page...just a bunch of stuff I threw on here..lol. Feel free to look around..even sign my guest book if you feel like it...no pressure....hehe..if ya do..please put where your from..i'd like to get an idea where everyone's from that visits me..oh yea..im from North Dakota if your wondering...
Click for Grand Forks, North Dakota Forecast
Well, I guess I should have a page sharing a little of myself..in case anyones interested in knowin!!  Well here goes nuttin!
My Stuff
This is my Husband Scott with our dog Raider (scott's a huge Oakland Raiders fan!!)
click on the pooh and christopher robin picture.  It will take you to a page I made for some pretty special people.
Hes also a big Nascar fan!!  hehe
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