About Me

My name is Arthur, and I am not going to say how old I am, but this October 2nd I will celebrate the 35th anniversary of my 39th birthday.I am retired or retarded, I'm not sure which. As for my job, I just do everything that she tells me and I get along fine.

My Online Life

I am a complete novice at flying one of these machines, (better known as a computer). But I'm trying hard to learn. Right now I am enjoying just exploring, to see what I can find.

My Interests

I have a lot of hobbies, some I had to give up as the years were added, such as flying, boating, golfing, and water skiing. Currently, I enjoy collecting movies on video tape (I have a large collection), I like to collect dessert recipes (I now have around 3000 different ones), and lately I have become addicted to this monster.

What I look like!

Contact me E-mail Arthur
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Awards 2Tomorrow

Page created July 15, 1999

Contact my web-mistress Christy
