Random Acts of Kindness has dedicated this website
to the millions of missing children and young adults
of the world in the hope that even just one may be found
Every 40 seconds one child is missing. If you spend only
5 minutes browsing through this page, 6 children will be
In May 1990 the US Department of Justice released a study
report that-
114,600- attempted abductions by non family members
4,600- abductions reported to the police by someone
300- where the missing person was gone for a long time or murdered
354,000- who were taken by a family member
450,700- who were runaways
127,100 - who were abandoned
and 438,200 who were lost injured or otherwise missing
More recent statistics support the estimate that last year alone over 1.8
million children were missing in the U.S.
Mothers, touch your children,
Fathers, hug them tight,
Let them know you love them
morning noon and night.
Put your arms around them,
hold them near to you,
Feel the beating of their hearts,
the life that you made new.
Roll around the floor with them,
tease and laugh and play,
Listen to what they'll tell you,
they have so much to say.
Take time to get to know them
see the color in their eyes,
Appreciate that person
that deep inside them lies
Let them run their fingers through your hair
and down your face,
Fill their hearts with words of praise,
make home their favorite place.
Cuddle with them on the couch
and watch a t.v. show
Sing with them or share a book,
and help their world to grow.
Take a walk into the park,
hold each other's hands
Smell the flowers,
feed the ducks,
build castles in the sand.
Mothers, touch your children,
Fathers hug them tight,
Show them what a gift they are,
to love them feels so right.
~ Kathie Davis
Thank you for finding me
I was fighting hard.
Thank you for not giving up
I thought for awhile you had.
Thank you for searching so long
I sometimes was so scared I found my self singing a song.
Thank you for not assuming I left because I no longer wanted to stay.
I was tied in a knot and forced away.
Thank you for not saying he's an adult
I was more childlike than ever before.
Thank you for finding me
I was fighting hard.

If you would like to link this site to your webpage,
you may use this graphic and URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Creek/9369/project4/missing.html
The TLC Committee quilted these three adorable squares for the
Missing Children and Young Adults Cause. They have been added to
the Quilt
at the "Quilt for the Cause" Webring.