There are many people who work so diligently in Health Care. Everybody has been touched in one way or another by a Health Care worker in some way. To these people we give to your our thanks and prayers.
You spend your day with people who have aches and pains, deadly illnesses and more. Yet you greet each patient cheerfully and listen to what they have to say. When not in clinic or hospital found, you're in seminars teaching and learning about cures just found. Be it day or night you never know when the beep of your pager will rouse you once more.
To all the different types of Physicians, those that see patients and also to those who read our Xrays and examine our blood samples and more, we give you our "Thanks" for all of your time spent away from your families to care for ours.
You greet us with a smile upon our admission to hospital, nursing home and hospice. You enter our homes to change our dressings and lay out our meds. You answer our questions with patience and care. We thank you for your diligence and thoughtful eye, to see if we're improving and stable or needing more care.
There are so many different nurses who touch our lives and each one plays an important role. From those who help start of our lives, the Labor and Delivery nurses, to Emergency nurses who take care of us when we bump our heads and worse, to the medical nurses who work on the wards. We have the specialty nurses who give us our Chemo, Dialysis and other treatments. Also when crisis strikes and we need special care the Psychiatric nurse is there to lend a caring ear. Those nurses who drive far and wide to visit us in our homes. When we are old and frail the Geriatric nurse is who we'll see. Finally when all has been done that could possibly be done, there are the kind and compassionate nurses who stay by our sides while our last breath is taken. The Hospice and Palliative Care nurses are a special group, knowing as they care for us, the final stage we'll see. Not only for the patient do they treat with dignity but for the whole family facing grief so hopelessly.
Let me dedicate my life today
to the care of those
who come my way.
Let me touch each one
with healing hand
and gentle art
for which I stand.
And then tonight
when day is done,
O let me rest in peace
if I helped just one.....
*Author unknown*
You greet us each morning with basin and towel then proceed to give us a backrub to sooth our poor muscles. You cut our food when our hands are weak and help us walk around. When we're feeling poorly, you take our hand in yours and lend a listening ear to hear our fears and wipe our tears. We thank you for your care of our daily needs and being the right hand of nurses by helping with our personal needs.
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© Marcia Meara. Do not copy the angel without the permission of the artist. |
Nurses are compassionate and caring,
With love in their hearts for all.
Forever extending a heart of mercy,
Always there when there is call.
Endless hours they stand on their feet,
Wondering did I do my best
To help this patient get through this illness,
Ease their pain so they can rest.
In their hearts you can hear God's whisper
Through a nurse he sends his love.
Ever sensitive, kind and caring,
Souls as pure as a snow white dove.
Angel yes, she tends to be,
For her presence comforts me.
Concern for the sick shows on her face,
Her gentle touch, my fears erase.
by Pauline Hamblin
To all the men and women who work so diligently in the front lines of emergencies we thank you for your strength and caring that you show to us while we are facing
situations for which we can't cope.
The 911 Call operator who takes our calls and stays with us on the line to tell us help is on the way. The compassionate voice of a person we'll never see, gives us clues as to what to do to keep our panic at bay.
Paramedics, First Responders and Emt's are our first medical help upon the scene. No matter how bad the situation or the dangers of the scene, they stay with us and make us safe until a hospital we do see. They see first hand all the horrors of accidents and tradgedies and help to ease the pain of those around while ignoring their own pain as they hold the form a child who's life has ceased.
Sorry if we woke you in the middle of the night.
But someone in your neighborhood is fighting for his life.
Sorry if we block the road and make you turn around,
But there's been a bad wreck with dying children on the ground.
When you see us coming we hope you'll understand
Let us have the right-of-way -- someone needs our
helping hand.
Sometimes a child is choking, sometimes a broken leg.
Sometimes a heart stops beating, and when we get there
it's too late.
So if you see us crying when we think we are alone
You'll know we had a "bad" one and we're feeling mighty down.
We don't do it for the money -- you know we don't get paid.
We don't do it for the glory but for a life that might be saved.
Somewhere deep within us our souls are crying out
"We're here to help our neighbors in the hour of pain
and doubt."
God gave us something special to help us see you through
We do it 'cause we love you, and we care about you too.
*Author Unknown*
Though they say the Radiations safe, you watch your counters at the end of the day and hope that the numbers didn't rise. You push those heavy machines to our rooms so we don't need to rise. You're patient with us when you position us just right for a ten minute treatment where precision is a must, then we have an itch to scratch and must be moved again.
Our thanks are extended to all in Radiation in some field including Xray, CT scanning, Ultrasound, MRI, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy plus all others not mentioned.
You wander around the institution with a basket full of needles. You take our arms and draw our blood telling us this won't hurt. Patiently you tap our viens looking for that "good" one.You stay hidden in the laboratory with your eyes glued to a scope looking for the mystery of what ails our bodies so.
Our thanks go out to all Lab techs in all fields, including Hemaetology, BioChemistry, Microbiology, Pathology and all others not mentioned here.
You help us speak after throat surgery and massage our muscles when injury has befallen us. With your help we learn to walk when all said it was impossible. You teach us to read when our sight is no more and how to talk and hear with our hands when our ears do no more.
We thank all Therapists who have made our lives richer after illness, surgery, accident and genetic disorder have hampered us in any way, inluding Physio, Speech, Occupational and so many more.
For all who feed us when we're ill, we thank you for chore you do. You toil so hard in hot and unpleasant conditions. You don't hear our praise, just our complaints. Though my Doc said "no salt for me", it's to you I grumble that I'm displeased.
TO all of the Cooks, Dietary aides, and Dieticians, we thank you for all that you do to nurish us. Though it isn't often said, we appreciate what you do for cooking meals for so many people on many types of special diets cannot be easy.
We see you in the halls with your broom, pail and mop. You clean our rooms all spic and span and take time to chat. We realize that there's so much to do, for nary a germ or a bug lurks in corners after you've been through with push cart and cleaners.
Thank you to all of the medical facility housekeepers. Yours is a special task of cleaning. You clean out rooms after highly infectious patients have left so that we may be safe from infections. We appreciate the way that you help us when you are in our rooms and so patiently clean up after us.
To all other professionals and aides within the medical fields, we want to thank you for all of your duties. Realizing that though you aren't seen we do know of the important functions you provide. You sterilize the equipment for all of our proceedures, provide clean sheets for the beds, make sure that all of the equipment is in working order and make sure that communications are sent out in an orderly fashion.
Unseen helpers would include, Central Transportation, Central Supply, Medical Records, Property Management and Repairs and all in the Administrative areas.
National EMS Memorial Service Hospice Facts WorldWide Nurse The Internet's Nursing Resource Nurse Directories: on The Nurse Friendly Nursing Humour Association of Operating room nurses American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) The Dr. Directory |
Association (AMA) Welcome to Nursing World! American Nurses Association AACN - American Association of Colleges of Nursing Welcome to NursingNet The American Psychiatric Nurses Association Whole The most complete list of nursing associations, societies and organizations on the WWW. |