Random Acts Of Kindness Honors The

We would like to honor all the men and women who have
served their countries and protected our freedom and fought
for freedom. Please add to our RAOK Honor
We have also adopted a POW/MIA.

"Poor is the nation who has
no heros...
Shameful is the one who, having them

Random Acts of Kindness would like to honor our soldier of
the month: Gary S. Champe
, United States Army (Retired)
Gary served his country in the
Infantry, Airborne, and Special Forces.
Please take a moment to visit his website
by clicking on his name above.

Previously Featured RAOK Soldiers of the Month
Please also visit our page honoring Military Families everywhere!

In Your Honor
Unselfishly, you left your fathers and your mothers,
You left behind your sisters and your brothers.
Leaving your beloved children and wives,
You put on hold your dreams, your lives.
On foreign soil, you found yourself planted
To fight for those whose freedom you granted.
Without your sacrifice, their cause would be lost
But you carried onward, no matter the cost.
Many horrors you had endured and seen.
Many faces had haunted your dreams.
You cheered as your enemies littered the ground;
You cried as your brothers fell all around.
When it was over, you all came back home,
Some were left with memories to face all alone;
Some found themselves in the company of friends
As their crosses cast shadows across the land.
Those who survived were forever scarred
Emotionally, physically, permanently marred.
Those who did not, now sleep eternally
Beneath the ground they had given their lives to keep free.
With a hand upon my heart, I feel
The pride and respect; my reverence is revealed
In the tears that now stream down my upturned face
As our flag waves above you, in her glory and grace.
Freedom was the gift that you unselfishly gave
Pain and death was the price that you ultimately paid.
Every day, I give my utmost admiration
To those who had fought to defend our nation.
-- Author Unknown

Informative Links
Support our Soldiers for the US
Sgt. Moms
Friends of our Troops


This RAOK T.L.C project was made possible with the help of
the wonderful members of the T.L.C committee and all their suggestions and
ideas. The following Members should be mentioned for their
contributions: Webdesign by: Joan Background
graphics & Graphics by Kare and Beehonee Graphic
help from: Janie, Maggie, Zack and Teresa Research by:
Gramma Nancy, Snugs and Linda
And a special 'Thank You' to Kind
Soul for ALL of her help!!