Why Me?

It hurts, make it all stop!

She screams but it is not out loud.
She dreams of other things.
Her soul sings all the prayers of life
she dares to ask God to take her into His arms
all her fears are drained out with her tears
Isn't anyone there?

Stop! She cries for all the pain to go away
but noone answers her there's noone there
her hopes all die,her fears all slap
reality upon her face.
Noone can hear her screams.
Noone knows whats going on.

The pain shutters through out her body.
She closes her eyes and mutters
God please take me away...

Her heart closes to the world
her head fills with hatred.
She fills like filth.

She cleans her face with her tears
her soul with her prayers
and tries to wash away all that happened that day.

Too young to understand the world,
she knows it was all wrong but
all she could do was ask, "why me?"

~ By MKP ~

Rape, often referred to as "sexual assault", is the one crime that makes all women victims - whether they've been raped or not. The fear of rape victimizes women by the fear of it happening to them. Women cannot walk alone on a street without constantly being aware of what's happening around them; the sound of footsteps during the evenings and nights can cause panic in almost any woman. The fear of rape has victimized all women because it takes away the freedom to go where and when they want with a sense of safety. Even in their own homes, women often don't feel complete safety because of the amount of home breaches that have occurred.

In America, 1.3 forcible rapes of adult women occur every single minute, 78 women are forcibly raped each hour, 1,871 women are forcibly raped each day, 56, 916 women are forcibly raped each month, and 683,000 women are forcibly raped each year!

12.1 million American women have been the victim of forcible rape. In other words, thirteen percent of adult American women have been the victim of at least one forcible rape in their lifetime.

Rape is more than just a crime. Rape is a crime that is forced on a person's body. Unfortunately, it doesn't only affect the physical. Rape takes the control and sense of ownership of the body away. There is nothing more personal and private to a person then their own bodies and the act of rape violates this privacy. This violation effects the victims as much emotionally and mentally if not more than the bruises and cuts done to the body.

Through the years, society hasn't helped women deal with rape. Often when a woman attempts to deal with the crime committed against her, society agrees that the deed was a terrible thing but then proceeds to blame the victim. In the backs of many minds, there's the thought "what did she do to entice him?", "look at what she was wearing, she was asking for it", "she was loose and has had sex with many partners, she was leading him on". Fortunately, in many courts of law today, these types of questions are irrelevant and not allowable as a defense for the rapist. Unfortunately, people who still believe these dictates still causes the victim great pain and anguish because the prejudice shows regardless if the words have been spoken or not.

Rape is not only a crime that is committed against a woman by a stranger. A great number of rapes are committed by a person who is known by the victim. This is DATE RAPE. Date rape not only victimizes the person in the same manner as rape but it also breaches trust and security towards family and friends. Victims often have their guard down with people that they know or feel comfortable and safe with but this sense of safety is taken away with the rape.

Unfortunately, date rape is often harder on a victim emotionally than rape. It is often more difficult for the victim to receive the support needed with this type of rape. Because the offender is often known in the victims circle of friends and family, others may find it hard to believe that this person is capable of committing this crime and may be torn between believing the victim or the offender, especially if not a lot of visible physical damage had occurred.

Date rape can also affect the relationship between the victim and her partner more than rape does. Many partners can understand and accept the innocence of their loved one in a rape happening on a street corner etc. But with date rape, often questions are formed subconsciously such as "what was she doing with him?" "he didn't rape her, she let him and now is trying to cover it up". Unfortunately, some women have done this which makes it so much more difficult for women who have actually been victimized.

Rape is a crime that is not only committed against women. This crime is often forced on children and men. The act of rape is also not always just committed by men. Though not as prevalent, women have also committed this crime. Many men don't report when this crime has been committed against them. Unfortunately, society tends to view rape against a man, especially when committed by a woman with disbelief and mockery. We have to realize that the sense of ownership that a man has towards his body is just as real as it is to a woman and any attempts to take that away from a man is just as devastating psychologically to a man as it is with a woman. No person, regardless of age or sex should have to endure this crime or the sense of guilt that often goes with this crime because of the views of society.

Only 16 percent of victims of forcible rape ever report to the police. Of these in 1991, 52 percent of the alleged rapists were cleared by arrest or exceptional means death of offender, victim's refusal to cooperate, etc.)and turned over to the court for prosecution. The remainder of cases did not reach the level of arrest or prosecution.

Rape is a crime that MUST be dealt with. Many women report their rapes, but often nothing is done about it. Especially in the instance of date rape, women feel victimized by society also, and don't report it for fear that their friends and neighbours won't believe them or might possible put the blame on the victim. Rape is a crime that must be reported so that the offender can be punished and hopefully another person spared from having to deal with this crime being committed against her person by this offender. However, due to the emotional and psychological damage done to the victim, the victim may not feel strong enough to report this crime and have to go through the, sometimes, accusing questions of the legal authorities or the stares and often accusing tones from friends and neighbours. No victim should be belittled for not reporting this crime or seeing it through the judicial system.

Educating Yourself and Avoiding Date Rape

Relationship Violence: Warning Signs and Resources Information on date rape and domestic violence prevention including advice on assertiveness, guidelines for men, and facts about Rohypnol. Survivor-friendly.

National and local hotlines: Houston Area Women's Center Teen Dating Violence Site Offers facts on teen dating violence, questions and answers about dating violence, a checklist of some warning signs for potentially-abusive relationships, and a valuable list of national and local hotlines.

University of Nebraska - Dating Violence Page Tips for recognizing potential abusers in dating relationships, suggestions for survivors, advice for friends of survivors, statistics on acquaintance rape and college women.

Preventing Acquaintance Rape Information on preventing and reporting acquaintance rape.

Myths Top Myths that contribute to date rape

Partners of Survivors It doesn't happen to only you. It affects all those around you.

Date Rape From a Guy's View (and what a woman should look for)

Campus Police Pamphlet Reproduced with Permission

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN)

Rape: Let's Stop It What to do, what you can do

Date Rape The Hidden Epidemic

Rape & Assault Services New Hampshire Site - Fantastic Info & Links

Prevention Tips Great tips from a Tennessee Police Site

Tips on Staying Safe More Excellent Comments and advice

Santa Monica PD Includes excellent video clip and Suggestions

Men Stopping The Violence

A Roofie is NOT A Guy Hammering Shingles!

Roofies Authorities say "roofies" have been surfacing more and more frequently

All About Roofies From the Emergency Net News

Rohypnol A fact sheet

DEADrug Enforcement Administration on Flunitrazepam - Rohypnol

CNN Victims of Rohypnol Testify Before Congress

Poetry, Stories, Testimonials and Nightmares

Crushed Rose Survivor's Notes

Healing News Stupid Comments and Questions made to Survivors

Escaping Hades One Person's Story

Break The Silence A wonderful site and editorial about abuse in general

Athena's Survivor's Anthology Collected Authors

NO! Survivor Poetry

A Rape in Cyberspace Long, but well worth the read

Stop The Abuse


I Thought Not Me

Rape on a date
I thought not me
It just wasn't a possibility
I don't want to hear it
With my
friend I have nothing to fear.
I play it safe
I gave my keys away
for I drank too much that day
I thought on the way home we were going for a ride
little did I know
soon enough I would find
what he had on his mind.
I thought not me
But I was wrong
He was wrong.
I told someone
what he had done
and even though I will
never get back what he took from me
he will never see another girl who
thinks not me.

~by mkp~

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  This RAOK T.L.C project was made possible with the hard work and talents provided by members of the T.L.C committee.
The following Members have made a contribution in bringing this page about:
Web Content by Maggie and Webdesign by Snugs
Graphics Design by Nick, Marsha, Nennie, and SueCat.
Original Poetry by Phebelove and Marsha.
URL Links and Research by Snugs, Diane, FriendPoet, Marsha, and GardenAngel.
A very special thanks to the lady heading up the TLC Committee, Kind Soul
for her dedication and love to this group and this project.

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