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December 2  1968  -  November  20  1994
Many years ago  I found these words written on a piece of notebook paper.  I was taken back by the title but I was deeply impressed by what she had written.  I feel her words will tell you more about who she was than any thing that I could write.  She was 15 years old when she wrote these words.
The Human Sacrifice

I say the human sacrifice and many if not all people think it is the killing of someone.
But that is not it's meaning.  The human sacrifice is the most beautiful sacrifice  next to falling in love.  It is the ability to give your complete care and understanding to others everywhere.  Just being there when your needed and listening.  It does not mean you have to give answers or give anything expensive.  But it's just listening and giving your complete attention to what the subject is.  Everyone has had a problem or something to say, and we all need  a friend, because friendship no matter what age is the best present you can give one another.  That is the human sacrifice.

by Cara     2/26/84

one day old
Cara at one year old.  Busy, busy, busy.  She filled our life with pretend monsters that were always her friends.   When  she started school and learned how to write,  she began to leave notes for me.  I would find them by the coffee pot and where I sat.  She loved to write.  I am putting a few of these little notes in among her pictures.  Most were done by the second  grade.  In the third grade she won a young authors contest in her school.
Cara  with her brothers

To Mom
The windy day grows hiy in the sky and flowers blom, like singing tunes and the sun shines hiy.
Playing with Curtis
Clint at 2 years old.  Cara  teaching him to hold a bat.
Clyde and Cara,   deep concentration in a
Sega  game.
To you a windy morning has bgon and we don't  know how it hapened.  But it is cold  so ceep your coat on.

The Basketball player
The baseball player
Dear Mom
Love is my heart and my heart loves you.  Hope you have a Merry Christmas.  I thought I'd just write you a little not.
              your only girl
P.S.    I wrote this because  I love you.
Dad can be your couch on a baseball team or a Dad can be a cook, a very good one.  Or a Dad can be a worker at the steamplant.  But thers  is only one Dad I now that does that and thats my specil Dad.
A proud father
Contact  Cara's mom....Netta
I could write thousands of words about Cara,  but  I tried  to keep this  Cara's  page.  I wanted to feel that when you came  you would find  her reflected here and not me.   My thoughts  will be on the next page.......
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Clint and Cara
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